
A "Classic Bishop Sacrifice" Checkmate Combination


Please comment on this game, where I luckily won since I caught a "Classic Bishop Sacrifice" on h2/h7, with all the requsite requirements:  Bishop attacking the castled King on h2/h7, A knight ready to jump to g4/g5, the enemy Knight removed from guarding h2/h7, and my Queen with open access to Rook-Five.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance:


How does your attack proceed after 21. Be1? If the White King escapes via e2, you're just two pieces down.


19. Kxh2 is not forced.  Kh1 or Kf1 and white is fine.  White is actually just winning convincingly after Kxh2, because after Ng4+ white can play Kg3!.  


I don't understand that question.  After a theorectial 21. Be1 then its ...Qh2 ch. 22. Kg1-f1 Qh1# isn't it?  Pardon me I just did that in my head but that seems right.

Wrinn wrote:

19. Kxh2 is not forced.  Kh1 or Kf1 and white is fine.  White is actually just winning convincingly after Kxh2, because after Ng4+ white can play Kg3!.  

Yes, Wrinn, you are right about the problem with 20. Kg3.  I noted that in my annotations; Znosko-Borovsky had a section in his Combinations book about what to do when the enemy moves to K-Kt3 in this scheme but I forgot the pattern actually.


Qh1 would not be checkmate as the white king has the e2 square to escape.


Yes, that's why the 17. ...Bd1? was a poor choice since it allowed the King's Rook to move to d1 thus creating an escape route.


Better would have been 17.  ...Be2 perhaps?


Hey!  I said I was doing this commentary in the Shirts-ian style.  This is ART, gentlemen!  It can't please everyone!


Great job John!  The first time you do this, makes you feel like a king!