
Dream opening couldn't "crash through"

Though the computer found the move I needed to crash through I would still love input on any part of the game. Thanks as always!


You're opening was fine, you just blundered in the later on. You only had a small disadvantage at the end and shouldn't have resigned.

37.Rf7+ then you take his pawn and Bishop.


Hey Noah,

I've recently started making YouTube videos, so I made a quick video of your game.  I hope you find it useful.


14 Nfg5 instead of Neg5 seems almost decisive, don't really see how black defends


Thanks everyone! SmithyQ thanks so much for that video. I was very excited that you took the time to do that! I can't wait to get a similar position!


You should have played Rf7+, which wins the bishop


4.d5 is an issue for Black because it forces him to go back to b8.

4.d5 Nb4 5.Qa4+ gets two pawns for a knight but it's not really enough and. 4.d5 Na5 loses material after 5.Qa4+ c6 6.Bd2 b6 7.Bxa5 ba 8.Qxc6+ Bd7 9.Qxc4.

Otherwise 4.d5 Nb8 5.e4 is excellent for White. You basically gain a free turn here which is nice.