
Help with a puzzle


I'm a beginner at chess and brand new to this website. I'm doing the puzzles and there's one that I don't understand, even after seeing the correct moves. Is there something I can click on that will give me an explanation to the puzzle? If not, how can I post the puzzle on this forum, so that someone can help me understand it?


EDIT: I found the share button, but this forum won't let me post a link. It says new users are not allowed.


It's #1123766. 

So, I don't really understand any of this puzzle. I end up trading my queen for a rook and a pawn, which puts me down 3 points, right? And what do we gain by it? I have no idea. The white king can just move to c2, and then what happens?

Epiloque wrote:

The knight guards the b pawn and the c pawn also helps to not let the black king escape. If you do nothing, then rd2 and ra2# is unstoppable. Having an extra queen is great, but if you get mated its worthless. So the solution is qxe4, taking the pawn and stopping that previous idea. If white still goes through with it, then qxe2 and it guards the a2 square. The rook on e8 guards the queen. After the rook takes the queen and you recapture, black is up a rook and should be able to win.

Oh, so it's more of a defensive puzzle, I guess. It's about surviving, and not about attacking your opponent. Now that I'm looking at it with defense in mind, I also see that the move qxe4 also stops white from mating with rd4 followed by ra4.


I think I understand now. Thanks.