
How to go from analysis to vs. computer match?


I've been using the "vs computer" button to go from analysis screen to a "vs computer" match with all the moves up to the presently selected move. The button was in the bottom toolbar when on the "analysis" tab of the "game report" analysis.

Now there appears to have been a redesign of this screen and the button is missing. I am still in disbelief that the button is gone forever and I'm hoping that someone can point me to how I can create a vs. computer game from existing game or analysis without downloading the moves or copy-pasting them.


I just now tried to go from a computer game to analysis, and from there I was able to see the "vs computer" button. So maybe this is a glitch?

First screenshot is the game analysis, second is the analysis of a vs computer game, which still has the button to go from analysis to computer game (bottom right "vs" icon").


Yeah, I'm wondering where it went too. You can't even bring it up by loading a PGN in regular analysis.

Please bring the option back.


I looked through the JavaScript source code, and there is a function "canFinishVsComputer" which determines if this feature is allowed.

The line is " === ne.Game.Results.None && !this.engineDisabled" was "0-1"
ne.Game.Results.None was "*"
this.engineDisabled is false

This basically proves that it is a glitch. It doesn't allow vs computer if the game has a result, which makes no sense.

I've submitted the bug report, but they're having a hard time agreeing that it is a bug.


I was afraid they were going to launch it as a premium feature.


I can see the versus computer button in the game analysis screen.

What browser are you using?


Try doing it from later in the game.


Firefox, tried also chrome

Odd that it works for some.

Twood1130 wrote:

Try doing it from later in the game.

I tried that plus games with different results, no difference.


Another member in a different thread said they see the versus computer button when they select the retry tab.


Here's the other thread...


As a temporary workaround, I've found that the "PGN" file can be downloaded and imported to another analysis program such as "stockfish" which is free on the Mac App Store, and probably exists for Windows.

It works a little different because it gives the recommended move for both white and black, but I it is no trouble, and actually better if you don't like the computer's move and want to see another.