queen to f4 could work, though
It could work but again Qd6 blocking, not mate in 1
Or BxK
Qf4 isn't even a legal move.
Neither is BxK (art.1.4.1). If you can't beat 'em join 'em.
queen to f4 could work, though
It could work but again Qd6 blocking, not mate in 1
Or BxK
Qf4 isn't even a legal move.
Neither is BxK (art.1.4.1). If you can't beat 'em join 'em.
qb7 is correct
Qb7 is impossible. Try again.
HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW the white queen moves UNDER THE KING, the king cant take the bishop will take it
qb7 is correct
Qb7 is impossible. Try again.
HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW the white queen moves UNDER THE KING, the king cant take the bishop will take it
bro "M1"
qb7 is correct
Qb7 is impossible. Try again.
HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW the white queen moves UNDER THE KING, the king cant take the bishop will take it
The bishop can't take the king (whether you're talking about the h1 bishop or the g8 bishop).
1.4.1 The player who achieves this goal is said to have ‘checkmated’ the opponent’s king and to have won the game. Leaving one’s own king under attack, exposing one’s own king to attack and also ’capturing’ the opponent’s king is not allowed.
(My highlight.)
please join this if you can, if not it's ok but i need some players...
qb7 is correct
Qb7 is impossible. Try again.
HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW the white queen moves UNDER THE KING, the king cant take the bishop will take it
The bishop can't take the king (whether you're talking about the h1 bishop or the g8 bishop).
1.4.1 The player who achieves this goal is said to have ‘checkmated’ the opponent’s king and to have won the game. Leaving one’s own king under attack, exposing one’s own king to attack and also ’capturing’ the opponent’s king is not allowed.
(My highlight.)
I dont get it, if the white queen moves under the black king, its checkmate. The king is stuck. The king can't take the queen because the h1 bishop will take the king. Therefore, qb7 is checkmate.
qb7 is correct
Qb7 is impossible. Try again.