
is this move legal (I don't understand)

in move 14 of my latest game my opponent was able to castle while I had my Bishop placed infront of his king with line of sight accross casting squares breaking both lines . if someone could explain I would be extremly grateful
TeeDubz84 wrote:
in move 14 of my latest game my opponent was able to castle while I had my Bishop placed infront of his king with line of sight accross casting squares breaking both lines . if someone could explain I would be extremly grateful

Only the king can't move across an attacked square. The rook can.


who wrote these rules anyway lol - thanks i was utterlt perplexed when this happened

TeeDubz84 wrote:

who wrote these rules anyway lol - thanks i was utterlt perplexed when this happened

Such ideas become more useful in a minority of situations. Take a look at the following.

Ok, for some reason I am unable to change the setting to allow White to castle (even though I have checked the box beforehand), but the castling move 1. o-o-o+ wins.

your FEN: 3k4/8/8/8/8/8/1r6/R3K3 w Q - 0 1
this FEN: 3k4/8/8/8/8/8/1r6/R3K3 w - - 0 1