
Long, Complex Game



You are dominating in the early game.  I don't know why your opponent didn't fiancetto his bishop and castle.  Btw, I'm never afraid to trade off the dark-squared bishops, but I certainly wouldn't do it the way your opponent did!

12.  You have nothing to fear castling either way.  Your opponent is doing nothing.

13.  Your opponent was trying to keep you out of b5.  I actually think that move is ok.

18.  I think you meant a weakness on b7.  I agree, not a great move by black.  He seems pretty afraid of you - I think when you play an opponent like this in the future, try not to let him trade off so many of your pieces.  You could have a killer attack against this guy with a knight and a bishop on the board.

21.  Why do you think this is a stalemate?  Your position was much better earlier, but now because all of the pieces are traded you are only slightly better.  Look at this continuation... 21. Kb1 Qxg2 22. Qxb7 Qxc3?! 23. Qc6+! and black is in big trouble.  No guarantees your opponent would play this of course, but I think this was the kind of line you were both analyzing.

24.  You say "strange sacrifce", but it isn't really a sacrifice.  As you point out, the king should have moved to d6 after the exchange and won that bothersome pawn.  You can't defend it with Rg5 because black can just push a pawn and force you off the rank anyway.  The game actually would have been even at that point - in fact, black might be slightly better.  So trading off the queens was an advantage for black.

40. "he can cause my king a world of hurt."  I don't think black is in much of a position to do anything at the moment.

45.  I am not nearly so confident about white winning this endgame.  You certainly have dominated much of the game, but this is a new position and deserves a new evaluation.  After the trade, white is slightly better, but a long way from winning.

54.  Proper play is 54..Kb5 55. Ke4 Kxb4 and now black can either queen at the same time as white, or run to f8 and intercept the pawn.  This game should be a draw here.

You were a much better player than your opponent, but don't get cocky at the end!  Nice game.  Hope my comments were helpful.  Best of luck in the future.


I agree with almost none of the OP's comments, black was solid for a long long time.  You weren't better until he dropped the pawn.

One piece can't dominate a side of the board.  (move 7 comment).

You have space, but not control of the middle.  You can't have initiaitve without threats and black is too solid for you to have initiative.  And black can't be cramped unless he has more pieces.  His piece count fits his space just fine.  (move 10 comment).

Notice black's queen is better than yours now :p

You trade a center knight and accept a doubled pawn... I mean, it's not a bad move but surely at this point you must realize the game is just equal.

b8 is not weak, mostly because you can't attack it... with move 21 you contradict this assessment yourself.  (move 18 comment).

You might want to look up the definition of stalemate.  Also if anything black is better if only because you believe you're better and therefore are more likely to misplay the position ;)  Other than that it's about as close to dead equal as you can get. (move 21 comment).

e5, e6, e7, and e8 are covered, I wonder where exactly you think black's king is in danger from? (move 24 comment).


Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on you... I often play a guy often that always goes for 3rd rank defense stuff and loves to trade pieces... I used to think I was getting better positions out of the opening for along time and would be really frustrated to lose when I overstretched myself.

Now I realize lots of those positions are just equal... and that little bit of extra space can come back to bite you after a lot of pieces come off.  What was a potential plus in the middlegame is just a weakness in the endgame.

That didn't happen much here, but your "advantage" was an illusion until you won a pawn.