
Most Mind-Boggling Brilliant Move I've seen


Hi. I have stumbled upon this chess move, which happens to be the top engine move. For the life of me I do not understand the idea behind this move, what it achieves, and what you gain from it.

Seriously. I don't understand this at all, and I would appreciate an explanation. Could you guys figure it out???


Also feel free to use the engine for this because I've tried this with the engine multiple times and don't see it


Been about a day and STILL don't understand this sadly


Minor piece (usually a knight but sometimes also the bishop) sacrifice in d5 is a standard idea that black has to watch out for in the e6 Sicilians. It usually cannot be calculated to the end but white can have lot of compensation if black cannot develop naturally.

Here it apparently is very strong. For example


wow crazy brilliant and explanation

if someone plays this on, they are either a master or a cheater


or close to master level


Moves like this are why "!!!" should exist. A move that would genuinely be considered brilliant in a formal game should receive "!!!" on so they don't get lumped in with obvious sacrifices.

Mittttens wrote:

wow crazy brilliant and explanation

if someone plays this on, they are either a master or a cheater

dude i feel like this is opening theory

Shakaali wrote:

Minor piece (usually a knight but sometimes also the bishop) sacrifice in d5 is a standard idea that black has to watch out for in the e6 Sicilians. It usually cannot be calculated to the end but white can have lot of compensation if black cannot develop naturally.

Here it apparently is very strong. For example


oh my goodness this is just an amazing reply. Yeah this move is something I would never see in the history of my life lol

Shakaali wrote:

Minor piece (usually a knight but sometimes also the bishop) sacrifice in d5 is a standard idea that black has to watch out for in the e6 Sicilians. It usually cannot be calculated to the end but white can have lot of compensation if black cannot develop naturally.

Here it apparently is very strong. For example


So this is what I believe. For the compensation of the bishop:

  • white has a very strong knight on c6.
  • black's king is very open and unsafe
  • white has great piece activity, while black's pieces are inactive and very weak.
  • awful pawn structure for black (especially the two isolated pawns that white can target and black will struggle to defend)
  • black has many weaknesses in his position
  • white has a large space advantage
  • The white rook on e1 is very strong and is eyeing down the entire e1 file.
  • white has an extremely strong pawn on d5 and controls vital squares
    There's probably a lot more, but I think I understand it and it would definitely require unhuman calculation lol