
New YouTube Channel on my goal to 2000


Hey guys, 

I created a new account and I'm going to be posting videos of me trying to make my way to the Elo of 2000. Here is a link to the first video:

Let me know any advice, comments, or criticisms!


Jolly Good idea. GingerGM did the same trying to progress his grade. So yeah, could be fun for us mere mortals.


Thanks mate and let me know what you think.


The TechSmith transparency pisses me off.
It might help to also kick off the comments section yourself.
What are we looking at: A base game of ELO White 9999 v ELO Black 9999.
Tracking those numbers would help.
I have never found strong players helpful explaining why they are so good. Clearly they have something in their "toolbox" that I don't. I am sharing my toolbox slowly with a poster on here.
I can do this because he bounces between 1300-1500. I reached a ceiling, which rather takes me back to the first sentence of this paragraph.
You have a wish but what is the plan?


hit dat notification button