
peer review


how do I have my games reviewed by people here on


Most people use the computer analysis these days. The problem is that putting your games out here opens you to comments that may be less than kind. 

If you do want to post your game, it helps if you use the Game Editor tool. It looks like a little chessboard in the text edit box. Nobody wants to read a whole pgn without diagrams.

You would typically try to analyze them yourself and ask for help on something you may not understand.  Doing the analysis yourself first is really the only way to get better.

Just posting a game without making any comments yourself typically gets no help.



I have posted one of your recent "wins" above.   You were doing pretty well up until move 21, when you sent your knight behind enemy lines to attack a rook. That was a bad move. If the rook had simply moved to attack your knight, you would have no way for it to escape.  

You also put your rook in a place to get captured by a pawn on move 24.  Perhaps that happened because you were getting low on time.

Do you remember what you were thinking?

It looks like you would have lost on time if your opponent hadn't abandoned the game at the end. You had only 27 seconds left and you were taking about 30 seconds per move. Do you often lose on time?

You are a premium member. You can get computerized analysis of your games for free. Just click the link to "Computer Analysis" after a game. It would have pointed out the major blunders you made in the game above and suggested better moves for you. 


notmtwain is a terrific member and has helped many many people, but I respectfully disagree with his implicit suggestion that computer analysis is good enough for you.  You sir are very very early in the process of chess improvement, a true beginner.  There is no shame in this, we all started there. As a result of where you are currently at, there are many simple rules and principles we can teach you that a computer can not.  For example, one thing I saw in several of your games is generally useless pawn moves like h4 prior to taking out all your pieces and castling (we call that "completing development").  In another game, I saw you play nh3 on the second move.  A knight on the rim of the board can do little, so there is a silly way to remember this taught to beginners "A knight on the rim is dim."  

Computer analysis can show where you made big tactical mistakes - blunders - dropping material and missing the opportunity to take free stuff.  That is useful, and it is a waste of time for a human to do that for you, especially at this early point.  But, at this early point, you very much need more help than a computer can give.  

Good luck.  


I agree with you that basic help would be most useful. However, computer analysis will not make unkind remarks or include the non sequiturs that drive a lot of the forum and therefore might be preferred.

karlamarx wrote:

how do I have my games reviewed by people here on

Perform your own analysis first.  Then post the game(s) for peer review.  you re going to get good advice, bad advice, and just plain ole stupid advice/comments.  

As notmtwain mentioned, its something youre going to have to deal with. But i also think opening your games up to peer review is beneficial.  

What i do is, my own analysis first.  Then i run it through fritz 15.  It really helps to compare your analysis with the engines, as it will help you start to see patterns where youre goiing wrong.  


Pretty easy buddy, just charge 30$ dollars to my paypal account and I will coach you until you reach 1000, after it I am a patzer so you would have to look for someone more qualified.


"It helps if you use the Game Editor tool. It looks like a little chessboard in the text edit box. Nobody wants to"


where is the "text edit box?"


Are you using the browser version or a phone app? You have to use the browser version.

The text edit box is the box you write your comments in when you are posting in the forum. In the browser version, it includes a menu with the chessboard editor, picture posting, videos, fonts, bullets, links, etc.