
Player Analysis

Hey, could you analyse my game and tell me the general strategic weaknesses that I have? What area I should look to improve on going forward. I know it's not just a matter of missed tactics.
I learned chess from scratch a year ago so I don't know if I'm missing basic strategical ideas.



I think you're asking for too much knowledge from one game. You lost because you blundered. you blundered because you had tunnel vision around the idea of getting your queen to h6. I'm not very good, I still blunder in pretty much every game, however I've noticed a marked increase in my overall gameplay when I simply focus on the position and let it tell me what to do rather than zoning out with ideas of what I want to do. The difference between me and a gm is that they get more detailed instructions from the position LOL

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

You've really only been playing for a year?

Anyway, people often come on here and ask for "general strategic advice" or something similar, and I never know what to tell them.  The point is that in most situations material is paramount.  And so I'm afraid that "missed tactics" tend to predominate.  Your opponent managed to make two unfortunate moves in a row (18 & 19).  Then you returned the favor on move 30.

Anyway, as far as strategy goes I think the position after Black's 16th is worth a glance.  Your move--17 Rc1--taken by itself is little more than a cheapo.  Once he defends against your threat--as indeed he did--now what?  And here a kingside attack seems to me a bit risky.  At some point you're probably going to have to play g4 to further your goals, and if Black plays ...g6 he can always answer g5 with ...Nh5.  So then maybe you can swing your other knight over to g3 to challenge it...

Well anyway, I think 17 Rc1 is long as you follow it up with 18 b4.  Now your idea is to play the other rook to b2 and go for a4-b5.  And you might also consider playing g3 somewhere in there (to free up your knight on e5, if necessary).


Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I played 17 Rc1 for tactical reasons. I counted on him/her making a mistake which they did. I know that won't work otb, but I'm not sure what else I could have played! I was lost for moves at that point due to my lack of strategical knowledge.

DeirdreSkye wrote:

One thing is sure. If you learned chess a year ago(I assume that you say the truth of course as I have no reason to believe otherwise) then you are very talented. I think I needed at least 2 years to play like this and I was in a very good chess club which is a huge help.Playing on line and improving so much in just a year is close to a miracle.

    If there is something you need to fix is your playing habits. Playing blitz will most possibly kill most of your talent. Yes you will keep improving because as I said , you are very talented but it is more than sure that you will hit a wall and you will stay stagnant for years.

   Play 3 long time control games every week.Yes,  only 3 and at least 60/5 , nothing less. Chess is not about quantity , it's about quality. Spend a lot of time trying to analyse the position and find candidate moves. Find tough opponents that will make your chess life a living hell and don't rely on the random choice of the system. If you do that we can discuss about study. Don't worry , once you improve there will be plenty of time for blitz.For now it is more harmful than beneficial. Yes , it's better than nothing still much worst than anything else(if we exclude bullet which is not even chess).

    Do yourself a favor. Don't kill your talent!

Thank you, appreciate it! I got a little obsessed, apparently 1000 blitz games and 465 rapid according to the stats lol (I need to get a life).

I'm doing exams next month, so I'm trying to fully concentrate on that right now. But afterwards, I'm gonna take it seriously. Study, practice, real life tournaments etc.


 I don't know if I'm missing basic strategical ideas.
You mean like 26. f5 when 26. Rd1 would have put the rook on the same file as the queen, giving black a chance to do something dumb. It is the same principle as 17. Rc1 which came with a direct threat of Nb5 except in the move 26. case, it is strengthening (also defends hanging d-pawn) before attacking.

Find the local club and play 75 min OTB games after the exams.


I would love to play more often in my local club but it is only open on Wednesday and Friday after 7pm. It's about a 40 minute drive each way and I usually like to be in bed by 9pm. So that would leave me with two 40 min no increment club games a week if people there are even willing to play such short games. sad.png

TS_theWoodiest wrote:

I would love to play more often in my local club but it is only open on Wednesday and Friday after 7pm. It's about a 40 minute drive each way and I usually like to be in bed by 9pm. So that would leave me with two 40 min no increment club games a week if people there are even willing to play such short games.

Then you do not really have a local club. Maybe you could find out about other local players, see if a church would have a club night. 


They do have weekend tournaments as well but maybe only once or twice a month. They also have tournament chess on Friday, Wednesday is reserved for casual chess.


I'm just going to have to invest and join more tournaments elsewhere.