
Poll: Should Black Resign this position?


You can decide the fate of this match. If, after 24 hours, a majority says Black should resign this match, White will have an automatic victory.

Otherwise, the game will go on!


Black should resign if black believes it's a lost position and understands how white would win from there.

Objectively it's true that black is lost.


If boyfriend has any sense at all he will resign to girlfriend!

ponz111 wrote:

If boyfriend has any sense at all he will resign to girlfriend!



yeah it looks as if black is toast -seriously bad black squared bishop and there looks like a lot of scope for for white invasions down the a file. However I wouldn't pass reponsibility for the resignation of this game to the crowd, I would make the decision.


Assuming the ratings are real and there are no off the board considerations, Black should play on.


O, and btw that's an ongoing game. Even though it's unrated, and you aren't asking for help, you still technically shouldn't be discussing an ongoing game.


ps. the white squared bishop is nothing to write home about either.

aggressivesociopath wrote:

Assuming the ratings are real and there are no off the board considerations, Black should play on.

Off the board considerations... I like how u put it :)


No because of the strange material which is left. 3 minor pieces vs. 2 rooks is strange.


Would not yet resign.



Thank you for the input. I've thought the same about the position. Down four points with a heap of pawns to fight.






Understood. At one point, a coinflip was suggested as the decidier. But you've a great mentality.



Very important qualifications you've placed there. The ratings are our ratings on here, but we don't play much online chess. Black was behind even more earlier on, so there could be a turnaroudn.



I understand. I was hoping the circumstances you noted would make it okay.



Speaking of which-with regards to the ps- with macer's point, I suppose I'd ask that no one mull over any particulars in the position. Thanks.


@GMVillads, jdcannon

I believe this brings the edge to not resigning so far. 

Thank you for everyone's input.


You might play a few moves to see if she finds anything to break through.
If there is no proper initiative from white, you might as well try and hold the fort. (Maybe even set some "lucky" traps). If white plays the few next moves convincingly, improving her situation further, I would resign.

ps. girlfriend boyfriend stuff shouldn't matter, if you respect someone you should play your best imo


If you even have to ask this question, you should keep playing. It may be that you will lose to best of play, but don't count on best of play. Everyone makes blunders.


Or if you respect someone you might consider resigning in a completely lost game. It is all a matter of perspective.

ponz111 schreef:

Or if you respect someone you might consider resigning in a completely lost game. It is all a matter of perspective.



With 24 hours past, the vote appears to be go on. We did go on, and I was fortunate enough to take two pawns on the Queenside with no compensation for White. I was nearly a goner, but because I have a tendency to move fast, she moved fast as well, and instead of snapping off my knight in exchange for two pawns, I got the two pawns for free.

The position went from dreadfully behind to just behind, and though I think I'll be grinded down in the end, there's hope for a draw right now if an error comes up, and maybe even a win off a blunder (though the latter's looking less than likely). 


Agreed. I tried to set the lucky traps and move quickly even at the expense of position, because playing a straightforward game would have led to being ground down.


The blunder came at the expense of speed. I do find that moving quickly against an opponent sometimes has a psychological effect against them that makes them move quickly even when they have time (at lower levels anyway, though I read in that article on Magnus Carlsen's "nettlesome" play that he moves quickly to put pressure on opponents in the beginning, and with 50,000 games memorized, how could he not!)


Good point.


Forgot to add in my first post another condition of resigning.  Don't resign unless you believe your opponent can win without difficulty.  Seems your opponent ran into a little difficulty so far.  Good luck.


The boyfriend shouldn't have made the mistake of playing a game against the girlfriend in the first place.
Relationomics, man!