
Read This Before You Post

TonyGas wrote:

please help me solve this tricky little poser. really, i want mate in three but will settle for four moves. i am playing white. thank you


Ask for a draw.

In real life... TonyGas, if the setup was like this, you might as well buff your king with a sanctuary spell, give him the teleport and illusion skills, and allow him to shapeshift into various pieces.  Then he could shapeshift into a queen and create the illusion that the pawn was his son all along and he inherited the crown.  Then he can use up his remaining mana to cast teleport to move himself to e8 and checkmate the king while the king's busy crowning more of his surrounding pawns into queens for further acts of adultery.  After this, you should ask yourself... "Why didn't I do this in the first place?"  And the answer to that is simple:  The enemy queens were too seductive for you to think straight.
i like the point of playing on your own merit without  cheating, thank you,.,.,.,Laughing
Wow I That is true! by posting our lost game we do learn more!! I love it!
this is a great idea
TonyGas wrote:

please help me solve this tricky little poser. really, i want mate in three but will settle for four moves. i am playing white. thank you


you may need to edit some of the things


If you sneak the white king off the board, you are guaranteed a draw - but not a win - unless you whitewash at least 2 queens. I think something went wrong prior to posting this puzzle. However, I am interested should you sort out the glitch.

davaughe wrote: Kingskiller is right, i started lmao when i looked at the board because the positioning was absoluetly ridiculous. anyway can u (TonyGas) explain what's happeing there. P.S. if u want real help, post a real game..... lol

Davaughe, I am more interested in chess scene in Jamaica. Are you in a position to give us a run down?  Any clubs I can visit while on holiday? Any really strong players who have decided to stay on the island? 

TonyGas I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Who says chess players lack humour? 



righteous post i will keep this in mind


Well thanks for this piece of knowledge and I will ensure that I stick to the rules and principles alluded to here!

hes playing white and wants mate in three moves good luck with that
madpawn wrote: davaughe wrote: Kingskiller is right, i started lmao when i looked at the board because the positioning was absoluetly ridiculous. anyway can u (TonyGas) explain what's happeing there. P.S. if u want real help, post a real game..... lol

Davaughe, I am more interested in chess scene in Jamaica. Are you in a position to give us a run down?  Any clubs I can visit while on holiday? Any really strong players who have decided to stay on the island? 

TonyGas I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Who says chess players lack humour? 



 this is like tonygas asking for white to mate black it 3 but settle for four in this senario, rotrlmao(rolling on the floor laughing my *** off)

Chess problem was probably sent April 1st! Probably not a nice way to do it, but he's trying to say 'lighten up' a little! I don't really agree with him - if it's too 'heavy' or 'serious' for you', don't post or read a chess forum!? Perhaps 'grow up' would also be deemed an inappropriate response? Play on . . . the GAMES the important thing, not the politics.
OK I've got it!!! Mate in 3!!... Oh no, hang on, I forgot about those queens... damn...
Hey jaberwocky24, lighten up a litte!
MCW wrote: OK I've got it!!! Mate in 3!!... Oh no, hang on, I forgot about those queens... damn...

 now thats funny

what does the anntation work or mean?

Very Informative... How do you save the game into the nifty blue format? I've tried to copy the pgn, but it doesn't have the useful move-by-move buttons.



Those are some NICE set guidelines...


ketchuplover wrote: I can't get the piece I'm trying to move to stay on the destination square. Any suggestions? tia

Try Superglue!

Good guidelines.

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