
Video analysis of your games by a NM, limited offer

ponz111 wrote:

Very nice offer and service by this master!


ApexAjet wrote:

thx for the analysis of the game! Im black!!may i post another game??

Your welcome. Sorry, just one game per person. It wouldn't be fair to give you two, while some people won't get one.

alexlaw wrote:

anyone is avaliable to sign up for this awesome freebie?

Yes, anyone! Not certain if the slots are all filled up though....

ApexAjet wrote:

my full analysis.

Ok, I have to pass on commenting, but hopefully someone will stop in and do so. Feel free to comment on someone else's game, see if they return the favor!

fr0sch wrote:

Hi, it would be amazing if you could analyze my following game:

I think my rating here in online chess is way to high, so I think I really could learn something from it.

If you want, I can also add my own comments to the game before you analyze it.

And wheter you do look at my game or not, it's a really cool thing you are offering here!

Here is your video. I will resume this thread tomorrow, commenting on the posts in the order they appear...


Oh, by the way, this is a Benko Gambit and I share a couple of lines strong players were using 30 years ago to combat this powerful opening for Black. So, if you're a 1.d4 player or play this gambit, you need to be prepared. If you miss it, you may lose one day to a player who stopped and watched it!


Direct link:



I looked at your analysis of my game, and it was very helpful! Thank you for taking time to do this, I can see that it helping everyone who takes the time to watch the videos.

Above is some of my analysis on the game incorporating the ideas that you mentioned in your video.


And as a side note, I joined your group about a week ago and it is very helpful to my game. The Recent Game thread is an amazing resourse, and it is a good hub to access your videos from.


NM Aww-Rats really wants to help us members to improve in chess.

Keep in mind that he is willing to analyse our games (free) and it's costing his time. 

Thanks Aww-Rats


Thanks again for making a video of my game aww-rats. Here is the game with a few of my comments.

MaartenSmit wrote:

Awesome offer!! I'd really like to see what you have to think about this game:


I included some (but little) analysis myself, just to let you see what I was thinking during the game. I'm particularly interested in what you have to say about 17. Nxf7!?


P.S. Time control was 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, followed by 30 moves for the rest of the game, with a 30 second increment starting from move 1.

Here is your video...


Direct link:


Thakilan wrote:


It would be amazing if you have time to look at my game and analyse it:

If you want I may add my own comments to the game, before you analyse it, just to let you know what I was thinking.

P.S. Time control was 30|0 and it's not my perfect played game

Here is your video. I'm glad a game with the low rateds was submbitted. Lots of errors on both sides as the game swung back and forth. Hopefully, this helps you eliminate many fundamental errors and you move up in rating so you can learn from the better players you then face....My program discusses this...I enjoyed making this video...


Direct Link:



Ok, back tomorrow with more!


That was amazing! In reaction to what you said about my Bxf6, the plan was actually to keep the queens on the board (part of my compensation was the slightly weakened black king). The move I had been planning was 29. g4, instead of your recommended c4.

To be fair, I was getting into a little time pressure - I had 16 minutes left for 12 moves. 


I understand now that the fact that I got 2 pawns for the small exchange isn't that significant in a middlegame, unless that directly translates into a passed pawn or something that really ties the opponent's pieces down. I guess I thought that in an endgame, while the 3-2 pawn majorities might become hard to convert, it's even harder for black to win.


It's really great that you're doing this, NM aww-rats! Keep up the good work ;)


P.S. My opponent's name was Tomáš Sucharda. Apparently isn't too fond of the special characters there... Also, my new August rating is 1768. I started chess only 2 years ago, so I'm still a little underrated :)


Thanks for analysing my game and make a video out of that. It was a really good and interesting game analyse. The important thing I learned was to see the whole board and small mistakes that may change the whole gameWink

Most of my games don't make the end-game. This one did and while I was a pawn down, the fact his 'extra' pawn was doubled made me offer a draw, which he declined and eventually won. All be it with a better end-game - the extra pawn not counting ( as expected ). 
Thought because it was a long game and a rare end-game, game, it would be good for a video. Was a 1 day/move game played via an app on my phone. 

Thanks for doing this, giving back.


I enjoy your explanations, thanks.

nate23 wrote:

Please do this game, I watch your videos, enjoy them, and will make sure to tell you what I thought about it. This is a  30/15 live game:


Sorry I didn't post a video yesterday. life gets hectic sometimes! Here's one, back with the next in the queue tomorrow....


Direct link:



As the video preview, the Bishop is trapped on h7. If 1.Bxg6 fxg6 2.Qxg6 White will have a three pawn for a piece.


Thanks for the video aww-rats! I was watching and thinking "when am I going to play ne4?" I actually did not see Bxh7+. However the moment I saw it I also saw ...g6. In the video you mentioned that you did not know the correct response was for black after ...a5 Qc4 (I don't remember what move number) but That move loses to Ba6, pinning the queen to the king. Thanks again for doing this!


Very thanks for the video analyse of my 1st game.

If you want another beginner game you have one here:

The time control is 3 days pr. move (online chess).


Nice thread! Thank you mr. aww-rats! Cool Keep up the good work!


I'll make sure to check your site etc. also :)