
YOU think:)


What do you think? Well done? Poor? Got no idea? COOL?

Let me and others know!


not bad, nice win, but among others, 12. Kxd2 seemed like a bad move, much better 12. Nxd2


Yup, I overthought that move;)

More details guys?



Nice mate at the end.

10. h3 is questionable, you should have just castled

12. KXd2 should be NbXd2

15. g3 should be Ke2 (save your rook)

your opponent could have played better but it was an interesting game




Nice game!

DaPharaoh wrote:

Nice mate at the end.

That's an odd comment since mate was missed at move 50. Qe7#. No doubt white will say "I over looked that move." That seems to be a habit of the white player -- not considering all the possibilities availble to them, and worse, not considering the possible moves their opponent might play!


Overall, both of you played poorly. I saw inaccuracies almost every other move on both sides, and neither side developed well at all. Even 20 moves in, both of you still had two pieces in their original places. If you want to play well, everything has to be developed in about half as many moves.

I think Tartakower was the one to say that the winner is the one to make the second-to-last mistake. This game is a clear example of it.


Thank you for all the comments. This game is far from perfect: look at my rating. So if you do critisise like dmeng please do clarify like DaPharaoh (big thanks to him:)

Waiting for more responces:0)


To put in my few cents: on moves 5-7, consider that when you block the Bb4+ which piece you want to use. If you block with the knight and retake with your dark bishop instead, it might be more accurate since the position is opening allowing more open lines.

8. Qd3 I feel is a waste of tempo, also possible is Nd2 to stop a potential Qa4+ and also develops the knight at least some, rather than another queen move.

Also, rather than your knight tour against the king position, it would have been easier if you had moved the Nb1 and uncovered the rook attack on his knight sitting on the 8th rank. Granted, making a sidelined pony move isn't strictly good, but it would have allowed you to develop 2 pieces smoothly since he loses that tempo moving.