
Biggest comeback in the history of competetive chess


  I would like to submit to you the biggest comeback in the history of chess.  This was a 5 minute game, so obviously not the best quality game.  You can see the opponent is significantly stronger than me and was putting a lot of pressure on my position right away.  

You may say that you have seen bigger comebacks - I disagree!  Usually these 'comebacks' involve swindling with some kind of fancy mating combo or stalemate trick.  

In my game, I had 2 rooks and 2 pawns vs 2 rooks and 6 pawns.  In other words, the simplest win imaginable for my opponent.  Surely my playing on caused him great insult.  When I drew the game I believe he probably committed ritual suicide in shame.  

Thank you for your time!  Here is the game :)


wow....what a close game


Sorry but:

Your comeback was only to a draw


it was only because your opponent played very badly.

There are millions of games where someone dropped a queen in the opening for no compensation and won.

Of course it would help if you would define "comeback"


Nakamura vs Aronian in their blitz match in St. Louis, game 1 or game 2 I can't remember.


Black made some major blunders in that one.   66...Rg2?  Instead 66 ... f2 looks like it wins.  Black threatens mate with Rg1 and has a place for the King to hide at f3.    But every game (at my level) has blunders.  Good work saving that one.


@ganv 67.Re8+ Kf3 68.Re3+!


Huge comebacks are always due to blunders from the favorite side. This come from game theory. Chess being about blunders and how to exploit them, this victory is legit ;)

GG OP :p


the grand prix =D


The problem I have with this post is the language inflation in the title. Do you really think it's the greatest comeback of all time? Seriously? Or is it just a blitz game where the side up in material failed to convert? Hundreds of those games happen every day.

Frittles wrote:

The problem I have with this post is the language inflation in the title. Do you really think it's the greatest comeback of all time? Seriously? Or is it just a blitz game where the side up in material failed to convert? Hundreds of those games happen every day.

+ 1 


Wow this is crazy I posted this 3 years ago :)


Its a draw how is this a comeback


comeback from a loss. A draw is better than losing. 

Black made a mistake: he allowed white's passed pawn to get strong. This made the win much harder. (Black is still probably winning at this point (I think), but it's not trivial anymore.)


I was once down nine points and won because i cool

Zenchess wrote:

Wow this is crazy I posted this 3 years ago :)

11 years ago 


This is my game. I was white (LongTastySnake). I was losing by around 7 points in the opening-midgame, but the opponent blundered multiple times which led to my checkmate. 


Great job hanging in there, very tenacious!


This post keeps coming back from the grave.  See ya'll again in another 5 years!


That was intense. Honestly, I believe this is a contender for the greatest comeback of all time. Its more like the film 300 tho. Notice the Phalanx like formation...


What can I say? 

It was a funny comeback but also riddled with blunders on both sides tongue.png 

Still well done happy.png I would o played that discovered check earlier tho. Winning the rook not gonna help you when you were that much material down...