
Defend, then attack


Speed chess, 5 min time... it went well for me Laughing Both kings castle queen side


Very nice O.O


Wow, complicated much?  5 minute chess controls and playing a game like that... nicely done.  Your defence is very solid, even spectacular at times, and the game's closing counterattack, once sprung, is beautifully executed.  Phenomenol game.

After looking at this game the first time, I racked my brain trying to find improvements for white's.  (At move 13, the board was screaming at me that there's a combination somewhere).  Looks can be deceiving, however.  The only thing that seems to hold up, at least in my eyes, is the retreat 13 Nf3, after which I do think white retains excellent prospects.  Still, your opponent played for the sacrifice and you answered splendidly.

Congratulations.  Nicely done.


Thanks for the compliments, guys!


I think I found white's breakthrough.


But I knew to never ever take that knight.. that's why I moved the pawn up instead on the 12th move. You're right though that the king is all alone on the left with no friends around him.

What about f5 after your d5?


dbircsak: I still think white is better off after f5, though it is probably your best option.  Here are some of the lines.


Yes, yes.. but the problem with all of this is that black isn't able to win in the end. That's the one thing I esp. liked about the game. Cool Thanks for your analysis though!


Your quite welcome.  Judging by your statement about winning, though, I hope I didn't taint the win or anything for you.  It was still a tremendous effort and, if you look at my breakthrough line to the end, even then there is a lot of play to go, which would be decided by a combination of time management and technique.  That's the thing about post mortem analysis: they're free of the pressures and constraints of the actual game.  Even had your opponent found the D5 line, it's a very real possibility, especially in 5 minute time controls, that they would have missed the key continuations and even had they not, it takes a certain degree of technical proficiency to take advantage of these advantages, which your opponent might or might not have possessed.  With this in mind, you still could very well have triumphed even had black played according to the analysis.

That being said, though, you did a phenomenol job in turning back the attack that did come, and then breaking through on the other wing.  It was, dare I say it, in many ways an instructive display, and a fantastic combination of poise and tactical ability under pressure.  It's not easy holding off a beseiged kingside, and you did so beautifully.