
Overwhelm Attack Miniature



I'm sorry, I play neither 1.e4, nor 1....e5

But I need to ask. What was 3....h6?!

Is that even a thing?


h6 is a defense against the Fried Liver attack.


Nice game.

Your opponent blundered positionally, and lost his queen to a discovery.

learningthemoves wrote:

You are supposedly a double agent who ratted magnus carlsen out


World Champion Carlsen is alive and well. Don't believe everything you read online!

Newba a écrit :

Nice game.

Your opponent blundered positionally, and lost his queen to a discovery.

I would add that in my opinion, the positionnal mistake is not h6 but exd4, opening the game for your pieces and giving u a big advantage in centre.

After 8...d6, black position remains solid.

A reliable system for black with h6 is this one :

The idea is to fianchetto Bf8 and not allowing Ng5.
This was played (and still) by many GM.
In your game, 3.h6 is played too soon, but if u want to punish it, your way to play was innacurate.
c3-Qb3 leads nowhere and i wonder what happens if black takes e4 at some moment. It open e file but i don't see how u can use it... And Na5 too when u had Qb3-Bc4 and f7 protected posed a big problem...
Many mistakes in this game from both sides, and i just gave some...

Much appreciated feedback and analysis here. Thank you!

Yeah, when black plays Na5 it can be annoying, but after black plays ..d6 it's easily overcome and sometimes even winning a rook in the process after a nice check. At the worst, it just results in exchanging my bishop for the knight which is no real big loss.