
Post your best miniatures here


A buddy and I used to play a regular set of games OTB each week at my local pub. We had some really good ones, and some not so pretty. He had the upper hand, generally winning 2 to my 1, but most of our games went fairly long. This, however, was a rare instance of both a short game and a victory for me. To be fair, we would play all sorts of openings just to give them a go, and he wasn't familiar with the Pirc, but then neither was I (as is evident).

theRonster456 wrote:

A ridiculous Caro-Kann. Black was okay until the huge blunder 9...exd4.

Ahhh the fantasy Carokann, always a recipe for chaos.


@DenialOfNature .. just one for next time but your game is a classic Petroff Defence trap. 6. Nc6+ is better than Ng6+ as you'll pick up the Queen


I guess a queen sac would be good enough for a "best miniature".


My favorite anti-KID returns

AngusByers wrote:

A buddy and I used to play a regular set of games OTB each week at my local pub. We had some really good ones, and some not so pretty. He had the upper hand, generally winning 2 to my 1, but most of our games went fairly long. This, however, was a rare instance of both a short game and a victory for me. To be fair, we would play all sorts of openings just to give them a go, and he wasn't familiar with the Pirc, but then neither was I (as is evident).

An uncommon checkmate there, I think he shouldn't have traded bishops, maybe instead he should've played 11...Nf5, though there you can play g4... It's already a tough position for him.


An unintentional rook sacrifice

lukeluke00 wrote:
AngusByers wrote:

A buddy and I used to play a regular set of games OTB each week at my local pub. We had some really good ones, and some not so pretty. He had the upper hand, generally winning 2 to my 1, but most of our games went fairly long. This, however, was a rare instance of both a short game and a victory for me. To be fair, we would play all sorts of openings just to give them a go, and he wasn't familiar with the Pirc, but then neither was I (as is evident).

An uncommon checkmate there, I think he shouldn't have traded bishops, maybe instead he should've played 11...Nf5, though there you can play g4... It's already a tough position for him.

Yah, he wasn't pleased with the position. I had a recent game against one of the bots, where I missed the same mate (although this time in a Moeller Attack) and would have closed the game in 23 moves I think it was. But, in that game I took the rook, which wasn't defended, and the game went on another 20 some moves. Sigh.


Dude thought he was slick for trapping my bishop.


I recently had a mate on the board similar to the one in my game above against Antonio-bot. In the game, though, I had seen the possibility of winning the Queen side rook, and failed to look for the better move (R1e7# ! oops). So, as played, the game went on for another 20 or so moves as I mopped things up, but I thought I would show it in its "what could have been form", simply because it was mentioned that it is an unusual mating situation. Here, it arises out of a Scotch Gambit that transposes to the Moeller Attack in the Italian rather than in a Pirc Defence. What is also a curiosity is that mate would have again occurred on move 23 (as in the other game). A shame I missed it, as it would have been a very pretty game, rather than a very pretty possibility.


A nice Evans Gambit miniature. The whole game was preparation.

GYG wrote:

A nice Evans Gambit miniature. The whole game was preparation.

That is a very nice finish! I keep meaning to look into Evan's Gambit as I play the Italian quite a bit and it would be fun to have that as an option. I've played it twice in my life (I thought only once, but found a very old game from over 20 years ago where I played a buddy of mine with it). So far, I'm on a 100% win rate, but at the same time, know that my tactical vision needs a fair amount of work first (I've been dabbling in the King's Bishop Gambit to work on that side of my game, so one step at a time).


[Event "Gusar_enko vs. idler_idler"] [Site ""] [Date "2024-03-09"] [White "Gusar_enko"] [Black "idler_idler"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1704"] [BlackElo "1879"] [TimeControl "120+1"] [Termination "Gusar_enko выиграл - соперник сдался"] 1. c4 d5 2. cxd5 Qxd5 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. Nc3 Qh5 5. Qa4+ Nc6 6. Nd4 Bd7 7. Nxc6 Bxc6 8. Qb3 e6 9. d3 Bd6 10. Bd2 Nf6 11. O-O-O O-O 12. Kb1 Nd5 13. e4 Nxc3+ 14. Bxc3 a5 15. g3 a4 16. Qc2 Qf3 17. Be2 Qxf2 18. Rdf1 Qb6 19. h4 a3 20. b3 e5 21. g4 Rfe8 22. g5 Bb4 23. Bh5 Re7 24. Ba1 Bc5 25. Qc4 Rf8 26. Rf3 Bd4 27. Rhf1 Bxa1 28. Rxf7 Rexf7 29. Rxf7 Qg1+ 30. Rf1+ 1-0


lukeluke00 wrote:

An unintentional rook sacrifice


What a wild game! It's really annoying how these engines consistently find moves that us mortal entities miss, but once we see them, it's like 'Oh why didn't I find that?!' (13...Bg4!!). I guess we have the consolation of having built the engines in the first place, for whatever that's worth.

mgianmarco wrote:

Dude thought he was slick for trapping my bishop.

Nice. Shades of the famous (or maybe infamous?) first game of the Fischer-Spassky match in 1972. Black snatched a pawn in much the same way (the h-pawn in that case), except there's no mate in one on the next move, and black goes on to lose. Not Bobby's best effort..... wink

GYG wrote:

A nice Evans Gambit miniature. The whole game was preparation.

Wow! What a fantastic mate! And a tough decision, too, having to decide on Re8#, d8=Q# or the move played. tongue


A KGD, Falkbeer counter, with c6.