


Today i played thisgame. Here i made sacrifice after scarifice  just for tha sake of a good positional hold!

and slowly engulfed the game!!  have a look and share your comments!


Well done and interesting game. I love it when sacrifices pan out! I have a game that I blogged (making lemonade and baiting) where I lost the exchange and due to my inexperience, almost resigned. However, I told myself to hang in there and wound up with a fantastic finish and a move that got !! by houdini! Thanks for sharing. Fun game to watch.


Sometimes you don't want to sac! but they do happen suddenly. After that u realise that the sac has opened up a great oppurtunity to you!


Hello udb_ 1993, I don't think this can be qualify as a sacrifice. I think you made a mistake on move 5.Nc3 and your oponent took advantage of that by winning a pawn. Better was 5.Nb5. It was a little hard to see tough.


Pawn was not an intentional sac! after making that mistake, i found that opponent queen is in some discomfort