
The tragedy of a missed brilliancy


I was looking over some of my old OTB tournament rated games from the Paleolithic... mmm... actually, from the 1970s and 80s.

Playing over an old game that I had always been very satisfied with - because I had pulled off a nice Queen sacrifice - I suddenly realized that I had missed an even more spectacular move!

The tragedy of a missed brilliancy!


In my opinion, the queen sac was more spectacular hehe. Nice game btw.

robertjames_perez wrote:

In my opinion, the queen sac was more spectacular hehe. Nice game btw.

In the Queen sac line (which is what I actually played, at the time) the killer move is 17. Be6! cracking Black's King position like an egg.

I always enjoy it when the really shocking move comes at the END of the combination, not at the beginning.




You're very cool, blueemu. 🙂


Nice combination but really not easy to find!

Andrea wrote:

Nice combination but really not easy to find!

My Queen pinning Black's Bishop against his a1-Rook after 14. Nxe6!! adds a piquant touch to the combination. Usually, when a friendly Queen and an enemy Bishop are on the same diagonal, it's the Queen that needs to worry about getting pinned, not the Bishop.


Wait a minute! There's no tragedy here. The 'tragedy' would have been if you missed the brilliancy and then went on to lose the game! I'm just kidding, of course. Very interesting game. I think both lines are pretty spectacular, and 14.Qxd5! deserves at least one exclaim.wink

theRonster456 wrote:

Wait a minute! There's no tragedy here. The 'tragedy' would have been if you missed the brilliancy and then went on to lose the game! I'm just kidding, of course. Very interesting game. I think both lines are pretty spectacular, and 14.Qxd5! deserves at least one exclaim.


Yeah, I decided to give 14. Qxd5! one exclam, and 14. Nxe6!! two exclams.

Pretty much your own assessment.

blueemu wrote:

... The tragedy of a missed brilliancy!


Boohoo (by special request)

sawdof wrote:
blueemu wrote:

... The tragedy of a missed brilliancy!


Boohoo (by special request)

Thank you.


ive seen this before

Thepasswordis1234 wrote:

ive seen this before

My game? Remarkable. It was OTB.

Are you from the Canadian Maritimes?

What? Engine says qxd5 is better
owengarriott wrote:
What? Engine says qxd5 is better

Different engines say different things on different depths.

There is no "THE engine says".




I think this would be a great post game data point in game analysis. “Missed Brilliancies”. I think seeing those kinds of misses would really be highly educational.

blueemu wrote:

I was looking over some of my old OTB tournament rated games from the Paleolithic... mmm... actually, from the 1970s and 80s.

Playing over an old game that I had always been very satisfied with - because I had pulled off a nice Queen sacrifice - I suddenly realized that I had missed an even more spectacular move!

The tragedy of a missed brilliancy!


I can’t even see the queen sac you’re better than I am

its not important about the brilliancy it’s how you play

both are great moves, keep this up!!😁😁

blueemu wrote:
owengarriott wrote:
What? Engine says qxd5 is better

Different engines say different things on different depths.

There is no "THE engine says".