
This is my fastest checkmate!! Have you done a faster checkmate?

In this game are I trying to see if my opponent will see that I with meaning is giving him a 3 move checkmate, and hi doesn’t see it!🤣

[Event "?"]
[Site " iPhone"]
[Date "2025.01.17"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Bob12Duck"]
[Black "harry_Potter10000"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[WhiteElo "375"]
[BlackElo "376"]

1.f4 d5 2.g4 Qd6 3.h3 Qxf4 4.Nf3 Qg3# {0-1}
joshforthewin wrote:
Alvin_likes_food wrote:

@magipi but that isn't possible nobody is that stupid

you would be surprised...

but genuinely it doesn't matter if its stupid or not its still the fastest checkmate possible

Okay why am I getting so much backlash it was just a comment and most people know that the f-pawn is trash wp

Don’t be mean to each other!!
joshforthewin wrote:

Alvin_likes_food wrote:

@magipi but that isn't possible nobody is that stupid

you would be surprised...

but genuinely it doesn't matter if its stupid or not its still the fastest checkmate possible

Okay why am I getting so much backlash it was just a comment and most people know that the f-pawn is trash wp

You could think whatever you want and no one here should be mean.
Bob12Duck wrote:
Have one of you guys done a checkmate in five or four moves?

Once I got mate in 5 moves in an over-the-board, face-to-face tournament game:

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. Qg4 Nf6 4. Qxg7 Rg8 5. Qxf7# 1-0

The opponent was 6 years old, while I had several years of playing experience. Some of the other adults around the room gave me dirty looks, as if I had done something wrong. The other player already had some pattern knowledge, because R on the knight file protected by its N is a common plan against Q's grabbing pawns, but the other piece attacking f7 was overlooked. Rf8 instead of Rg8 was needed.
Ironically, after several dozen more years of practice, and with slow daily time controls, I just made the same mistake in a game, completely missed a mate in one because of the other piece attacking f7. Rf8 instead of Rg8?? was needed:

My record is checkmate in 6 moves!


ive done fools mate atleast 10 times

I am a low rated player but I have a tactic about how I should play. Some peoples are only moving a random piece without thinking!

The fastest checkmate by me is 2 moves. Its obviously the fool's mate. I'm like 300-400 rated player. But still, this should not fall for fool's mate. How do I keep doing it?

Alvin_likes_food wrote:
Bob12Duck wrote:
I don’t no.
Is it possible to do a checkmate faster than four moves?

Definitely not

I'm sorry that I'm contradicting you, but there's the fool's mate, it only takes 2 moves.

Could you post the fools mate?
My best checkmate is obviously the scholar’s mate (without the wayward queen attack) with my queen on f3, but regular checkmates aside, my fastest is 7 moves.
That’s pretty good.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

I have never had a mate that fast. My fastest was 9 moves, in a 30+0 game on


In a tournament, I beat someone in 5 moves.

magipi wrote:

This,has a name "fools mate" and it is approximately named

Question: Could you win in 1 move?


1. Yes
2. No


1 resign

Yes it’s true because your opponent could give upp!