
1. e3 is totally playable.


He's a GM of tic-tac-toe!


I like the opening. I played it in tournaments and I won games with it. Maybe I was channeling Nimzovitch's strategy in Carlsbad to draw my opponents out of theory and into manuevering but hey, it worked. 

Also, since I prefer blitz games I would say that I am a tactical player. I've grown up since 2007 and I do play 1. d4 now with c4, Nf3, a3 and stuff but I's chess, anything is possible.

Like somebody said before, there are 20 moves to chose from and since we know that maybe 5 or 6 are good, I would assume that as black, we're conditioned to have a repertoire agaisnt those moves. 

How many of you can hold a visual recreation of an 1.e3 game 4-5 moves in?? It's worth playing, if only just to get a good idea of why it's bad.

We all write off a4 and h4 as opening moves because it disregards the center. 1. e3 does NOT disregard the center. It holds coverage over 1/4 of the 4 Squares and supports a pawn on D4.

So chew on that.  


F3Knight no offense but you are not a GM or a high rated player...neither am i but when playing players over 1650 for example....who know how to play the game quite well or at least better than us...,you will find out that this move is a bad move to play as white....there is a reason this move is not used by good players or GMs.It may be used at blitz or bullet chess though but still...some guy said that it was used by a GM but only as a surprise weapon for his opponent who was not good at manoeuvring over the chess board


If you really think your rating on online chess is 100% accurate of your real abilities in chess than you are sadly mistaken. I only play blitz on here. I play primarily at work to kill the time and I never once put solid study into opening theory. I don't use chess engines and I don't play in tournaments anymore.

To say I am not a high rated player is just like telling me that I suck at chess. I won't defend myself by saying, "I'm good!" because if you have to say something like that in an argument, you should probably stop talking. 

I would venture to bet that I can find GM's playing this opening after the year 2000. Would you care to make that bet with me, GreenLeaf?  If Nimzovitch played it once, even for a specific reason, then it stands to reason that it has it's place in the world.

ALL I said was it was playable. I never said it was the best opening. It can transpose into a Queen's Gambit Declined though. Tell Kasparov that The QG:D is a shit opening and see what he says/does to you. 

You people are all fanboys of Fritz/Rybka/Houdini/Shredder etc.  You people parrot back opening moves withouth thought or solid understanding of the concepts you're mimicking. I can teach a Monkey to play checkers, or tic tac toc or how to move a pawn. It doesn't mean he/she understands the game.

Step outside of your comfort zone once and a while, it's good for ya.  


from the wiki page for 1. e3

"Although not very aggressive for a first move, play may transpose to lines of the English Opening (c2–c4),Queen's Pawn Game (d2–d4), or reversed French Defence (delayed d2–d4) or reversed Dutch Defence (f2–f4) positions.

The Van 't Kruijs Opening is not a common choice for grandmasters, but its ability to transpose into many different openings explains its attraction for some people such as the Czech grandmaster Pavel Blatny, Aron Nimzowitsch[2] and Bent Larsen. Garry Kasparov has used the move against the Fritz chess engine to get it "out of book"."

Surely Kasparov is an amateur too though, according to the all-knowing forum members. 


First of all,i do not use engines to analyse openings,Second of all i do not think my online chess rating indicates my real level...but still i do not consider myself a GM or a fairly good player....Also:FROM WIKI:The opening 1.e3 is not popular according to ChessBase; it ranks eleventh in popularity out of the twenty possible first moves. It releases the king's bishop, and makes a modest claim of the centre, but the move is somewhat passive. The queen's bishop's development is somewhat hindered by the pawn on e3, and White usually wants to take more than a modest stake of the centre. 

The part which you did not include indicates why this opening is bad.....because 1.a3 was used as well and won some games but when it was analysed in depth it showed  that with perfect play white is busted.....but if you want you can tell yourself that chess with perfect play is a drawn game and prey that your opponent blunders and /or you make the game of your life.....THAT IS MY OPINION,period.


You copy and pasted that DIRECTLY from wikipedia and didn't even give it credit. This is what I'm talking about!! You're LITERALLY parroting back information that is available to the public. You did ZERO thinking on your own part. Thank you for proving my point.

Screenshot of the Wikipedia page for  1.e3, as COPY AND PASTED by the plagerizer above 

Feel free to leave the discussion at any point.  


while you copy pasted it and you just highlighted a name.....very clever i feel really outsmarted by you....i am just parroting things and you got a mind and you think....i will leave the discussion because there is no point to try and persuade you since you already made your mind....let alone i do not bother proving you wrong since many better players than me did it at the previous posts( say i copy pasted it and you just post this(while having coping pasted it before) and talk about parroting because it seems that you are out of's ok it happens....)


I posted something from a website and gave credit TO THE WEBSITE. You posted it as if it were your own thoughts. This is what I was talking about when I said that people parrot back information they don't understand. To somebody who didn't read that wikipedia entry about 1. e3 they would have thought YOU wrote that or that it was your original idea when you were just regurtitating something already posted. I even SAID it was from Wikipedia. You're an idiot. 

frappeboy wrote:

To make an analogy, imagine you are playing the simple game tic-tac-toe against a frog (yes a frog). The frog randomly makes his moves by jumping on a square. Now you know of course tic-tac-toe is just a draw. You move first, you know playing your X to the center gives the frog the most opporunities to lose.. But you know the game is just a draw, so you decide why bother and play your X to a corner square.

Do you see how stupid this strategy would be?

Actually, I believe playing an X in the corner square gives the frog the most opportunities to lose.

The only drawing move would be for the frog to go in the center.

While if you play in the center, half of the first moves of the frog could draw.


I do not think they are stupid enough but it seems that you imply so....the different wrting indicates that it is not mine(but if it is so bad i will add it)....but as i said before,you ran out of arguments and you keep talking air just to say something....


Not really. You've already proved my point about people recycling information and passing it off as their own. The difference between my post and yours is that I was citing information as an example of high ranked players using 1. e3.

You were literally stealing information from Wikipedia, trying to pretend that it was your own original idea/thought. Shame on you.

I am done with this thread.  


Ok sensitive little man just do not cry....ok?


e3 is good for bullet!?!


I think people have been cheating the frog, because he's too nice to speak up.

GreenLeaf14 wrote:

Ok sensitive little man just do not cry....ok?

I'll take that as an admission of guilt. You should stop trying to sound smart when everything you say can be found with a simple google search. Let the GM's you were talking about do the talking.  ;) 

Does it hurt? Go lick your wounds.  

gimmewuchagot wrote:

1.e3 gives you a chance to play many of the good openings that Black can play to equalize, with an extra tempo... but it also takes away the chance as White to play for an opening advantage.

So 1.e3 is playable, but certainly not the best move you can make, as Black can equalize and maybe even get his own advantage relatively easily.

I have a USCF rating of 1900 that's rapidly approaching 2000, and I approve this message.


I am not trying to sound smart....but neither i try to sound like an expert just because i have a profile pic with kasparov...


And you decide to say that here?


1 e3 e5 2 Bc4 Nc6 3 Qh5 Nf6 4 Qxf7# scholars mate