
2200 Blitz


2200 blitz is my goal for the end of the year but I have been feeling kind of stuck around 2000. Could any experienced blitz player give me some advice?

I have noticed that most of my lost games end/reach a lost state in the middlegame due to tactical errors by me if that is any help.


What helped me was making my bad days better and not tilting against 2000

Attack more punish mistakes more don't feel fear from 2000s moves

I'm not really sure if that helps though

BigChessplayer665 wrote:

What helped me was making my bad days better and not tilting against 2000

Attack more punish mistakes more don't feel fear from 2000s moves

I'm not really sure if that helps though

Thanks for the quick reply, what do you mean by making your bad days better? Also how much do you work on tactics?


Like when you tilt and you play like an 1600 or 1800 instead of 2000

Try to play like a 2000 when your on tilt or like a 2100 so even when your mad your still beating decent ches players


I don't work on tactics frequently I just do puzzles for fun I use them for warm ups before chess games

#5 Any tip to just make less blunders?
medelpad wrote:

2200 blitz is my goal for the end of the year but I have been feeling kind of stuck around 2000. Could any experienced blitz player give me some advice?

Extremes seem to be useful. Go for lots of aggression even if your moves are bad (makes the opponent spend time) or lots of solid moves even if they're boring / unambitious (opponent will be able to move quickly, but you can move faster since this is your way of playing).

In general I think good blitz advice is to avoid trades... you can recapture of course, but don't be the one to initiate captures... and half the time, if your opponent is aiming for an equal exchange, just retreat for the sake of keeping more material in the board. This confuses players, particularly when it's done near the endgame phase. Learn to play positions with reduced material without immediately heading to king and pawn endgames.

TheKrugingDunnerEffect wrote:

Honestly, I think more chess content creators should make videos on how to get unstuck at 2000 level. They always teach us how to get unstuck at maybe 800, 1200, or 1600, but rarely teach us about getting unstuck at 2k.

Yeah, even 15 years ago most instructional content online was aimed at 1600 OTB and below.

The main "trick" to improving beyond this point (provided you've learned the basics) is to copy masters. Look at tons of games from titled players. How do they handle the middlegames that happens after the openings you play? Copy thier piece placement, pawn breaks, and plans. Copy all of it, and work on your analysis (analyze positions without an engine). That's how to keep improving.


People battling it out in late middlegame / early endgame positions such as rook + 2 minor pieces? That's pretty normal for master level and above, but almost non-existent among lower ratings who will immediately trade down to king + rook or king + rook and bishop (for example).

Of course even Magnus will trade into the most basic endgame if it's a win... the point being he knows it's a win. He's not doing it because he's a lasy POS wink.png


Puzzles, play a lot, analyse your games. Most importantly, trust yourself, you are bound to make mistakes, game after game, but if you can minimise the amount of mistakes you make, and believe you can do better, better will come.


good posts