
Am I allowed to analyze games with the same opening in correspondence games


Can I analyze a master game with the same opening (first 5 half moves) as one of the correspondence games that I am playing? (I accidentally did this two days ago before I realized that I might be cheating.) I did not play out any variations, I just followed the master game from start to finish and looked at the engine's evaluation on every move. (Currently, I haven't played the 6th half move of the correspondence game.)


Yeah so I'm curious if this is considered cheating.


Can someone verify this?


2HO_9=6O_9G=3GO, H, O_9, G, O lie on the Euler line in that order

Nine-point-Circle wrote:

Can I analyze a master game with the same opening (first 5 half moves) as one of the correspondence games that I am playing? (I accidentally did this two days ago before I realized that I might be cheating.) I did not play out any variations, I just followed the master game from start to finish and looked at the engine's evaluation on every move. (Currently, I haven't played the 6th half move of the correspondence game.)

You can't use an engine on the opening to analyze but you are allowed to use things like books,, databases, videos, etc


So I cheated?

O-O's a whole forum already made on this topic, as far as I know it isn't cheating. I also remember seeing a video of Daniel Rensch using it and so if someone of his position did then yeah surely it's fine.