
And Yet MORE Silly Rules In Chess lol


cabadenwurt do you mean my opening?


Thanks for the post Jion_Wansu. I haven't seen your opening so I can't comment on that  lol. 

A new silly thread states that " Chess is sooo easy ". Well of course that is quite true however playing " Good " Chess is rather difficult ( at lest that is what people tell me ). Smile


I see that a thread is on the go now stating that " a GM title is Superior to a Phd ". So is a MLB Pitcher superior to a Heart Surgeon ? Is Tiger Woods superior to Bill Gates ? Apples are apples and oranges are oranges and never the twain shall meet !


Another title has shown up that could possibly fit into this " silly " Thread: " Timeouters are Traitors ". I mean really, Laughing we are only playing an online version of Chess ( perhaps playing for fun ??? ). 


 Well I see that we have a thread here now entitled " What is the total number of Squares on Chessboard ? " ( fits into a thread on silly stuff  lol ).


Under the heading of silly things I see that the thread re: A chance for a 1300 player beating a 2700 player continues on and on ( can a mouse beat a cat ??? ). 

cabadenwurt wrote:

 Well I see that we have a thread here now entitled " What is the total number of Squares on Chessboard ? " ( fits into a thread on silly stuff  lol ).

I thought math skills and chess skills were supposed to be highly correlated. Laughing

corrijean wrote:
cabadenwurt wrote:

 Well I see that we have a thread here now entitled " What is the total number of Squares on Chessboard ? " ( fits into a thread on silly stuff  lol ).

I thought math skills and chess skills were supposed to be highly correlated.

--- Thanks for the post Corrijean, that is a good point. I gather however that multiplication tables are no longer taught in Schools, that might explain the confusion  lol.  


It's The New Math! 

chesspooljuly13 wrote:

The most frequently misunderstood rule I've come across is castling through check. Some players seem to think if the rook passes over a square attacked by the opponent (but not the king) then castling's not allowed

That would mean queenside castling when b1 is attacked


Thanks for the new posts.

Corrijean: maybe we need to restate the question for the new-math people. Someting like:

1y X 2y = z ( please find z ). 


I found z, it is right after the equal sign!


Ivandh is a New Math genius. Cool

ivandh wrote:

I found z, it is right after the equal sign!

Corrijean you are quite correct, Ivandh seems to be a whiz-kid at the new-math ! 


Well we have a new thread that must be mentioned here entitled " Does Chess Suck ??? ". Well I guess if a person is trying to make a living in the field of Chess and not having much luck perhaps ?

ivandh wrote:

I found z, it is right after the equal sign!

CoolTongue OutCool


To try to make a living at chess would be like being a rockstar without the rock, I think.

corrijean wrote:

To try to make a living at chess would be like being a rockstar without the rock, I think.

Thanks for the new posts.

Corrijean: Yes I think that people who like to travel would enjoy that lifestyle but I guess the catch is that the Chessplayer in my example does need to be good enough to make a living at the game ( there is often a catch  lol ).


And we have yet another item that fits into this silly thread. Someone has started a thread entitled " Chess Is Not a Sport, It Is a Hobby For Nerds ". Well it is a competition ( like Bridge or Poker ) but Chess is not going to be confused with the 100 yard dash or even pole vaulting ( etc ).   


Just wait, cabby. I bet someone does exactly that!