
antique chess set


I recently bought this aztec/spanish conquistador chess set off ebay. Its the very same set that my father had when i was growing up. I dont know much about the set and was wondering if anyone knew the history of where it was made and how many were made. Ive been looking onlone for years for this set. ive done some research but cant find much and this is the only set ive found that is like it. I know that sometimes people see things they want to see but im almost positive this is the exact set that i grew up playing on. It even has the chips in the board that i remember. if anyone has any info please email me. Thank you


This wasn't set up for a game. I just threw the pieces on the board and snapped a photo.


The board is turned wrong, white square in the right corner. I know this... Doesn't answer my question...


This type of stone dust/epoxy set is fairly common actually.  At least I've seen them on Ebay a lot.  The chips in the board may be on all the boards due to a defect in the mold.  Probably Mexican.  Or I may be wrong and it is indeed the very board from your childhood. Laughing 


I believe it's soap stone for white and a brown crushed stone with resin for black. The chip I was referring to is part of the stone missing on the side of the board. But your right, it could be just a common chip due to production. I know it's a Mexican set, and I know it's not one of a kind. I don't care about the value, was just wondering about the history of it. And... you can play blindfolded all you like. It's not your set...


Come on, the man's reliving his childhood.  Give him a break guys.  That set's not my cup of tea either, but memories are priceless.


Hey guys, In my opinion the best themed chess set I have ever seen in my life is metallic harry potter chess set or exclusive star wars chess set & if we come to antique chess sets - Antique Circa 1870-1900 Staunton chess set is the best antique chess set, Made from chessbazaar. It's a Indian chess set and one of a kind. Here's the link just check out it's specifications, features & let me know your opinions.

LuftWaffles wrote:

Hi Robert,

I don't think that set from chessbazaar is anything special as far as antique reproductions go. You should check out this thread:

There's also several other threads about antique staunton sets, woods, knights, bishops, king heights, polish, serial numbers, boxes, base pads, the key to the box and I'm about to make a thread about the best colour ribbon to put on the key if any (this depends on the year and serial number).

Thanks LuftWaffles for your opinion, Rumors are chessbazaar is coming up with the newer version of j.jaques chess set which is more refined & have life like deatils on their knights. Alan Dewey is working on their new j.jaques chess set. Eagerly awaiting for their new J.Jaques chess set. :)


Luftwaffles...great name.  

Blueberry is my favorite variety.