
Anyone else tired or people resigning?


Just try to bear in mind that chess can present moments of intense stress for players sometimes. And people don't always make the best decisions under stress.

glamdring27 wrote:

Saying you hate when people resign and then saying you resign one move before checkmate is odd!  You want a game to be played to checkmate yet when you are on the losing side you're willing to stall and make it last as long as possible while still not allowing your opponent to mate you!

I don't care personally whether my opponents resign or not.  If I win I win.

I agree with this sentiment; in my view, a win is a win.  The underlying impetus really doesn't matter.


If I blunder horribly I resign immediately, why reward stupid moves with further play?


By the same token, I think its pathetic and grovely when people play until the end. Throwing away all their pieces and waiting for the mate. In those times I elect to run around and gobble all their pieces before delivering a mate, to rub it in.


Sometimes I carry on just to punish myself because I'm so pee'd off at making an error.  On some of those occasions though my opponent then drop his Queen and I win anyway!


I'll get 10 knights and punish my opponent. That'll show him.

How dare he waste my time.


I'm on a seven-win streak and I'm scared of being banned. Everyone I play just resigns because they blunder their queen. I only have like 550 elo and a 60% accuracy but I think that if I don't lose on purpose next game I'll get banned. By the way, I am not cheating


*Necropost intensifies*


When I was playing chess and I was trying to get the Killer King achievement (checkmate someone by discovered mate with a king), my opponent just resigned cuz he had nothing and I had a pawn on 7th rank and rook so I had to start over and play a new game.


When I do a review of a game where either I resigned or the opponent did, quite often the position is described as "M8", ie. eight moves from checkmate. Sometimes it's more, sometimes less, but that is a pretty good reason to resign as the game is lost unless you or the opponent offsets it with some really horrendous blunder.

Nothing is wrong with resigning.