
Arena GUI and Shredder 13


So I finished my first chess tournament in 5-6 years and I am looking to get a chess engine to help me analyse my games and prepare for the next one. Just tried the Arena GUI and the Stockfish engine and it is ok.... The analysis seems to work fine, but I cant get it to show the suggested move within the game pgn itself (I hope I am explaining correctly). Right now everything shows up at the bottom of the screen.

Thinking of of also getting Shredder 13 or Fritz 16. Anyone has any experience with Shredder 13? or additional experience with the Arena GUI?


Looks also as if Shredder 13 might be more powerful than Fritz


To be specific, what I am trying to get to is as shown on the image here. The analysis and specifically a variation is shown within the pgn on right, if I am making sense.  Right now I am getting this manually, when I would like for it to happen automatically....



I don't think you can add an analysis line to the game in the Arena version you're using. However, versions 3.5 and 3.5.1 can do that. You have to stop the analysis first. Right-clicking on the engine analysis window brings up a pop-up menu where you can select "Append variation to game". (It only appends the best variation.)

If you bring up the variation board, you have even more choices - You can add any analysis line, and you can even select which move you want the variation to end with.

Oh, and if you have multiple engines analyzing, I think this "add variation" feature in the variation board only works for the first analysis engine, whereas the "append variation" feature in the pop-up menu works for any of the analysis engines.


Oh, if you didn't know, the Arena site is working again:

Also, here as a backup: