
best piece in chess


i think that the king is the most valuable piece in chess. but from queen we can get more advantages.but the most important piece is the pawn.

Pawns are foot soldiers capable of becoming queenslike Freddy Kruger.

I  also think king is the most valuable piece . but with the pawn we can take many lucks. thumbup.png


The best piece is whichever one delivers mate.

Johnkumarcena wrote:

BEST PIECE     ...Now that's a tough one to answer.
Well, the main objective of the game is to checkmate your opponent before the rival checkmates you, therefore the king is the most valuable piece in the chess.
Value of King= Victory
Capture the King= GAME OVER

QUEEN, on the other hand, is the most powerful piece in the game. It has the abilities of both rook and bishop. Hence the value of queen =+7

BISHOPs are light squared and dark squared. Both of them show their dominance in their respective squares (half-board; 32 squares lol), but we know pieces are still useful for occupying places on the chess board which eventually affects strategies and tactics.
Value of bishop=+3

ROOKs are damn powerful when they are coupled. (ie both are in same rank or same file with none pieces in between). They literally divide the chess board into two halves.
Also, the castling (short and long) moves both king and rook simultaneously in a single move which adds to extra safety of king and coupled rooks.
Value of rook=+5

KNIGHTs are special pieces in chess. They can JUMP over pieces, play L shaped moves, go into alternate Light and Dark squares. The only downside is that a knight can take at least 3-4 moves to get from one rank or corner of the board to another. Both knights together in the center of the board can offer a variety of interesting moves and sequences.
Value of Knight=+3

PAWNs (aka the Soul of chess)
The proverb "Unity is Strength" fits best for pawns.
Pawn chain can be devastating, game-changing and can also provide position advantage than just giving protection to minor pieces.
Given special rules for pawn such as double step at first, sideways kill and en passant make them special at specific times in the game.
And we all know, a pawn in the 8th rank can be promoted to any minor pieces including the queen.

Value of pawn= +1


So to conclude, the best piece in the chess overall can be considered the queen ( because of its power).
But a satisfying and agreeable answer would be simply:

"none is the best"

It's all about making them work together to WIN the GAME in the END.

Queen is 9 points.


Everything is best. But pawn is a amazing. Pawan can promote to anyone. Also queentongue.png


The king. Especially if he's stately plump like Buck Mulligan.


The pawn.


Definitely the Knight, here's why:

1. They have a unique and unhindered move (unless when they are on threat)

2. They are annoying and hard-to-predict pieces

3. It's impossible to catch them without distraction

4. They don't fear death and are 'expendable' especially after they captured other important pieces (like rook & queen) even when they end up putting themself into danger after having captured the pieces mentioned above

5. Even when they were captured, it's not critical since their jobs are done

6. They are underappreciated and underrated


The knight is overpriced. In this day and age inflation is blocking my access to plentiful knights

The rooks because they’re cool