
Bullet Chess as Warm-up for Blitz


Recently I have started 15|0 live blitz sessions by warming up with a quick game of 5|0 bullet chess. I’m like 1-for-15 all time in bullet play, which is okay because it’s quite the frenetic enterprise as far as my playing ability goes.

A 5|0 game, however, is ideal for establishing a good opening pace in the first couple of minutes, which can pay dividends in significantly longer blitz games. Just wondering if any other blitz players like to utilize bullet chess in similar fashion.

I don’t play bullet just to spend the entire five minutes working on my opening game, which would be discourteous to my opponent. But I do find that slowing down just a little bit in bullet allows me to position some of my pieces for a respectable attack and/or defensive stand late in the clock.

Basically, 5|0 makes 15|0 feel like an eternity by comparison, which can’t help but relieve some of the time pressure in blitz play. If I’ve got some decent positioning in blitz and my opponent has 10 minutes to my five, it doesn’t feel like that pressing of an issue (sometimes at least), and I attribute that to the bullet warm-ups.