
Can i get some help


i dont know how to learn/play openings,can anyone give me tips


You do not need to learn openings, just play and follow opening principles.
Lasker formulated 4 common sense opening principles:

  1. Only play your d- and e-pawns
  2. Play your knights first, then your bishops
  3. Do not play the same piece twice
  4. Do not pin opponent's king's knight with your queen's bishop before he has castled O-O

after that what do i do



After that move your piece that stands worst.
Always check you do not hang any piece or pawn or run into checkmate before you move.
Whenever your opponent hangs a piece or pawn, grab it,
and when he allows checkmate, checkmate him.


even if that means losing a piece in exchange for another one?


"even if that means losing a piece in exchange for another one?"
++ Avoid bad trades that lose material. You can count with the simple P=1, N=3, B=3, R=5, Q=9.
Avoid trading a piece of yours that stands well for a piece of your opponent that stands badly.
Try to trade a piece of yours that stands badly for a piece of your opponent that stands well.


okay thanks but i really like the sicillian so i might play that



If you like the Sicilian, then you can of course play it, though it is not adviced for beginners.
1...c5 already violates common sense rule #1. The Sicilian gives white an advantage in development in exchange for an extra pawn in the center, which is beneficial in the endgame.


what about after the openings(middle games, end games)


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