
Can I join you tomorrow or tomorrow

Tsjskaa. Mmxmzmzmabs

You Can Join My Clubs


Harold is a cool Wyoming dude who eats corn and beef. His friend, Adam, gets kidnapped by Nick the Greek. This is because Nick the Greek let Adam borrow $30 (rough estimate) and he did not give it back. Harold, with his corn powers, realizes that Adam is held captive in Chicago. Harold goes on a journey to Chicago to take back Adam. During his journey to Chicago, he saw a house on the road and asked the person there if Chicago had any corn. The man replied “No, but they do have deep-dish pizza.” Harold will have to deal with the fact that his very source of energy is not there. He has a limited amount of corn. In Chicago, there is a huge dungeon in the center of the city, where no one has ever made it out. In the dungeon, Harold realized that Adam was not there, and it was a trap. He meets Nick the Greek’s clone, Rick the Neat. They battle it out in the Battle of Michigan Street. Harold finally runs out of corn during the battle. Harold has to flee to survive. It ends in defeat with Harold. Harold now has no idea where Adam is, but when things seem to be over, he meets Radford. Harold is blessed with the Corn Crossbow™ by Radford. Radford also gives Harold a piece of corn, which gives him Adam’s location. Harold heads to Milwaukee to get Adam back. In the battle of Milwaukee, Adam helps Harold defeat Nick, but he is just too powerful. Harold obtains Corn Paradise and uses his newfound powers to banish Nick the Greek to the inferno… THEE END

 kind script

The scene opens up to Harold picking corn from the fields of Wyoming when all of a sudden, he hears

a loud noise. // Crashing sound//


What was that noise?

Harold turns around and sees Adam and a stranger in an epic battle. He questions Adam.


What is happening? Who is this guy?


Harold! Get away! He is very dangerous.

The stranger glances at Harold. He is not happy.


Ah, I see this is your friend here, Adam.


Who are you? Why are you doing this?


The name’s Nick the Greek. You see, I have let your friend borrow $30.758465 from me, and he has NOT given it back. He will suffer the consequences now. //zooming sound

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