
Can someone please translate this for me


U2200, U1900, U1600, U1300 SECTIONS: 7SS, Jan 18-21, 19-21 or 20-21, 40/2, SD/1, d5 (3-day option, rds. 1-2 G/75, d5, 2-day option, rds. 1-4 G/40, d5).

I understand the stuff in black and blue, but I'm confused as to how to interpret the stuff in red.  Can somoene explain to me what all that means.


"d5" means 5 second delay. The 2 and 3 day option means you can play 2 of the days, or 3 of the days. Seems like a good tourney, good luck if you sign up!


Thanks, what does 7ss and sd/1 mean?


I think 7ss stands for 7 round swiss style, but I just want to make sure, but I have no idea what the SD/1 means


I too, think 7ss means 7 rounds. SD1 means after 40 moves you get an hour for the rest of of your moves


Ok, thanks for your help nate


7ss = 7 round swiss system pairings

SD/1 = 1 hour will be added after black's 40th move to both players' clocks. The rest of the game must be finished with the remainder of the time.

d5 = 5-second delay before the clock starts for each players' turn.

3-day option, rds 1-2 = You can play the tournament during just three days, but round 1 and 2 will have different time controls for their participants.

2-day option, rds 1-4 = Same as 3 day option, except with even different time controls for the first four rounds


How do I join a 1-3 day per move Swiimtournament🙏🤔


Plenty there