
Can you solve this epic problem






I couldn't figure this out so I tried and found the solution somewhere on internet :P I have to admit this is a nice and legal puzzle :)


I don't get it. Who's move it is?


Ohhhhh, it is en passant. That is why the bishop is at that position. Thank you a lot krudsparov.


Just so that everyone knows, that puzzle is taken from Raymond Smullyan's excellent chess puzzle book The Chess Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

NewArdweaden schreef:

I don't get it. Who's move it is?


Because black is in a check it must be his move.



Agreed, its definitely black's move, it doesn't look legit., but #3 & #7 say it is, so I'll go with that.

To me it looks like we're seeing the board from black's perspective.

Can anyone that knows the puzzle, please confirm are pieces on h5 and e4 definitely bishops or are they pawns?

Also can you confirm that it's just the white King that is invisible and no other pieces?

haxo101 wrote:

Just so that everyone knows, that puzzle is taken from Raymond Smullyan's excellent chess puzzle book The Chess Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.


My friend took a picture of it and I do not know how to solve it. XD


Brendan_UK wrote:

Agreed, its definitely black's move, it doesn't look legit., but #3 & #7 say it is, so I'll go with that.

To me it looks like we're seeing the board from black's perspective.

Can anyone that knows the puzzle, please confirm are pieces on h5 and e4 definitely bishops or are they pawns?

Also can you confirm that it's just the white King that is invisible and no other pieces?


No other pieces because the white king move to hit other piece on the last move.


What the??? Black is not in check, if he was then why does the whit pawn move the other way?
TrannyAnnie wrote:
What the??? Black is not in check, if he was then why does the whit pawn move the other way?

black is in check...

@haxo101 isn't the book called "The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes"? Also I can't seem to find this specific puzzle in there... But if it is there then I wouldn't be surprised since both this book and Chess Mysteries are written by the same guy