
CC Sucks

Glitches left & right in Game Review, can’t even Contact CC via the app, latency issues b/t moves, cheaters prominently avoiding detection… What is my membership money going towards??

then leave and quit ranting

@GabeMiami10 Just hope someone with some power at CC reads this. I informed them of these issues weeks ago and nothing’s improved. Just wondering where my membership money actually goes 🤔 pockets? 🤷🏻‍♂️

This is exactly why I don't have a membership anymore. I watched my rating go down 100 points while blatant cheaters win arena tournaments. They will do what they always do: lock the thread while ignoring the problem.


Also, game review SHOULD BE UNLIMITED. This is the primary way to catch violations of the fair play policy, why put it behind a paywall??

JackBolsen wrote:

Also, game review SHOULD BE UNLIMITED. This is the primary way to catch violations of the fair play policy, why put it behind a paywall??

With a few small changes, your name could be Bo Jackson. (Bo knows.)


yep. bo knows chess.

iMNaki wrote:
@GabeMiami10 Just hope someone with some power at CC reads this. I informed them of these issues weeks ago and nothing’s improved. Just wondering where my membership money actually goes 🤔 pockets? 🤷🏻‍♂️

in bold, good luck.

many years ago staff was concerned. they had enough people to 'monitor' certain forums (site feedback and help & support-where this should be). they were actually concerned about member feedback. now it's just a numbers game (read: $).


Are you complaining n the forums so people can agree with you ?

I sense massive confirmation bias here

The app also lets you contact - why does it need to be in the app itself rather than a web site like every other app does its support?

I can contact support im using he website

JackBolsen wrote:

Also, game review SHOULD BE UNLIMITED. This is the primary way to catch violations of the fair play policy, why put it behind a paywall??

Game Review isn't a good measure for that. The site's accuracy metric is not really usable for detection.

@quantum Yes, latency is part of the clock lag issue 👍🏼 the CC clock forgiveness thing doesn’t seem equitable to me; my opponent gets extra time, but not me
@david they pitch it like you can contact CC in-app and I think that was their attempt; they have neglected to fix the issue
GabeMiami10 a écrit :

then leave and quit ranting

Which is what you do every time you do face a problem? If not so, what advice is that you're giving, beside trying to look like the cool cynical guy?

BigChessplayer665 a écrit :

Are you complaining n the forums so people can agree with you ?

I sense massive confirmation bias here

You sure never do complain about anything. And when you do compain anyway, you (I suppose) just make sure no one knows about your shamefull complaint.

Lotsa bold cynical bashers here. Must feel great.


Of course runs tons of glitches that never get corrected in decades. Of course it's lame. Of course it shows under what spirit of soulless profit that company among so many others, is run.

And of course one has to keep it up playing chess on such websites with pliers on the nose, cos it's that or other websites with various other issues. It's 2024, and technology is still trying to get on two legs. Thanks to the logic of business.


I review all my games just fine ... download the PGN from the archive and load it into my local chess interface.


Every monopoly kills quality.

Besides cc sucks because chess sucks.

Luke-Jaywalker a écrit :

it’s a pity chess24 was bought. instead of using its features, it was sunk beneath the waves

Bought and closed. Now, I find it tedious to follow chess events. chess24 Interface was far from perfect, yet much better than the almost unreadable salad they serve on here when one wants to watch chess events. Also, the choice of events seem to be much smaller on here. Booo for ruining chess24 for petty profit.