
change the ranking system

Hello, I started playing 3 months ago . I started playing for the first time So i knew nothing. I was down to 550 elo . Now after 2 months and a half I'm up to 980 . So because of the glicko system I only get like +8 when i play someone who has the same elo as me . Why??? And the max elo i cna get is +12 . What if i got way better . The elo system must be like the real one Not this . This way i will have to win 10 matchs min to get up by 100 . Really?
Thank you
i know how you feel
as i was climbing out of the sub 1000’s and playing many games my glicko was getting so low i thought— “dang- i need to win 50 more games than i lose to get past 1000” or something like this

the trick is not to chase a rating but develop your chess skills

when your game gets better the rating will follow

you could always go on hiatus for a few months and let your glicko go back up and hope you can string together some wins
But why? The more i play the more my glicko gets lower.
We have to chnage that . The system was so low when i was 700 and now I am 950 in just 1 month so the system was wrong about my rating . And we change we learn .
Why not chnage the system

Try to play higher rated players and you get the points.


When the site first started, rating changes were greater.  Guess what?  Players complained that the rating changes were too large and their ratings fluctuated too much. changed the model so that the rating changes were smaller and the fluctuations less severe.





i hope i loseshock.pngtear.pngsad.pngcry.pngwk.png



catdogorb wrote:
yesitsme2018 wrote:
the system was wrong about my rating

It was created by a mathematician about 100x smarter than you, so regret you meager existence and cry.

I might be smarter than them .

I just did not focus on mathematics .

I am studying medecine .



i can still create a new account hh


Good for u, create another new sub 1000 account. You just aren't that good at chess - it don't matter how many accounts u make. Like someone else said here - play stronger players if u are good enough to get their points. You are the number u deserve to be and u are under 1000. Just accept it

Kowalski_x wrote:

Good for u, create another new sub 1000 account. You just aren't that good at chess - it don't matter how many accounts u make. Like someone else said here - play stronger players if u are good enough to get their points. You are the number u deserve to be and u are under 1000. Just accept it

I just started chess . Of course I am under 1000. And How can i play stronger players? 

I put the range between -25 and infinity and yet all the players are +100 max

Kowalski_x wrote:

Good for u, create another new sub 1000 account. You just aren't that good at chess - it don't matter how many accounts u make. Like someone else said here - play stronger players if u are good enough to get their points. You are the number u deserve to be and u are under 1000. Just accept it

So if i did this post a month ago when i was 700 , you would tell u deservce 700 and you will always be 700 lool very smart

yesitsme2018 wrote:
Kowalski_x wrote:

Good for u, create another new sub 1000 account. You just aren't that good at chess - it don't matter how many accounts u make. Like someone else said here - play stronger players if u are good enough to get their points. You are the number u deserve to be and u are under 1000. Just accept it

I just started chess . Of course I am under 1000. And How can i play stronger players? 

I put the range between -25 and infinity and yet all the players are +100 max

Try playing in the tournaments, especially with the arena format there's no time commitment beyond the number of games you want to play and it's far more likely you'll run into a higher ranked player than if you rely on the normal computer matching for games. 

survifit wrote:
yesitsme2018 wrote:
Kowalski_x wrote:

Good for u, create another new sub 1000 account. You just aren't that good at chess - it don't matter how many accounts u make. Like someone else said here - play stronger players if u are good enough to get their points. You are the number u deserve to be and u are under 1000. Just accept it

I just started chess . Of course I am under 1000. And How can i play stronger players? 

I put the range between -25 and infinity and yet all the players are +100 max

Try playing in the tournaments, especially with the arena format there's no time commitment beyond the number of games you want to play and it's far more likely you'll run into a higher ranked player than if you rely on the normal computer matching for games. 

yes it is a good idea . I ll play more tournaments . but 15|10 tournamnets are not that much.