
Chess Boxing!?


Here's something which I didn't even know existed;

 The Champion!


BERLIN (AFP) — Rarely do brains and brawn come together in this way. A Russian was crowned world champion Sunday in the novelty sport of chess boxing that requires equal skill at moving pawns and throwing punches.

Mathematics student Nikolai Sazhin, 19, competing under the name "The President" knocked out a 37-year-old German policeman, Frank Stoldt, who served as a peacekeeper in Kosovo until recently.

The loser said he was simply too punch drunk to fend off checkmate.

"I took a lot of body-blows in the fourth round and that affected my concentration. That's why I made a big mistake in the fifth round: I did not see him coming for my king," he said.

Berlin is home to the world's biggest chess boxing club with some 40 members and it is in an old freight station here that the two men settled the matter in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The match began over a chess board set up on a low table in the middle of a boxing ring.

Stripped to the waist, wearing towels around their shoulders and headphones playing the lulling sound of a moving train to drown out the baying crowd, the men played for four minutes.

Then off came their reading glasses and on went the gloves and the gumshields.

For three minutes they beat each other and then, when the bell went, the chess board was back in the ring and they picked up the gentlemanly game where they had left off.

"This is the hard part, you are out of breath but you have to keep your wits about you," said David Steppeler, a 33-year-old instructor at the local chess boxing club.

"It is especially hard for the one who has to play first. He can easily make a false move, and in chess this is fatal. So in training we toughen people by making them do push-ups between every two chess moves."

A chess boxing match consists of six rounds of chess and five in the ring but it can also end suddenly in knockout or checkmate.

Alternatively one of the players can be disqualified for taking too long to make his move in the chess rounds or breaking the boxing rules.

The weekend saw two matches apart from the world title bout and some of the competitors might have felt equally at home in a MENSA club meeting. One had a doctorate in biochemistry, another held a degree in political science and two were teachers.

The best in the world of chess boxing score somewhere between 1,700 and 2,000 points on the ELO chess rating system -- putting them on a par with those who perform well in the sport at club level.

Perhaps fittingly, the sport had its beginnings in a comic strip by the French author Enki Bilal, titled "Equator Cold" that hit shelves in 1992.

The last work in Bilal's "The Nikipol Trilogy" features a blood-stained chess boxing battle set in an apocalyptic city in 2034.

In 2003, the young Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh decided to bring it all to life, but with less brutality, and organised the first match.

"But the way we do it is not as dark as it was in the comic strip. For me the thing is to channel your violence, to control it. Hence the marriage between boxing and chess," Rubingh, who is the president of the international federation of chess boxing, told AFP.

A French student who came to watch, Jelena, said the idea seemed "a bit mad" at first.

"But in fact it's really gripping to watch."




Yes this has been going on for several years. I think it was started by the dutch



If I knew how to box...
I would certainly sign up :D


It looks like a cool game. I seen an interview were Lennox Leiws gave it the thumbs up!

It certainly is entertainment. 

If anyone is interested in chess and sport but doesnt want to risk being seriously injured in a boxing match you can also try Condi chess. ( scroll to bottom:  ) This combines running and chess. The chess board and chess clock are lets say for arguments sake 30 meters apart and the rules are some sort of quickplay game. You must make your move and run to your clock to stop your time ticking. Its certainly nice in the summer if you have a group of similiar minded chaps! ...a few beers probably wouldnt go amiss either, ha


   Whats next? I see blitz chess being played by 2 guys who jump out of a plane with parachutes and a magnetic board. Free fall and who ever pulls their cord first loses.

  its probably already been done.

This thread is officially awesome.
ednorton wrote:

   Whats next? I see blitz chess being played by 2 guys who jump out of a plane with parachutes and a magnetic board. Free fall and who ever pulls their cord first loses.

  its probably already been done.

 Lighten up mate =)


i play chess boxing all the much as I lose at chess, I give myself a good whipping daily- and I don 't call it 'SPORT'



ednorton wrote:

   Whats next? I see blitz chess being played by 2 guys who jump out of a plane with parachutes and a magnetic board. Free fall and who ever pulls their cord first loses.

  its probably already been done.

 When should we set up a tourney?

SOOO chess is a sport lol

The flaw with this sport is that it is unbalanced; mastery at chess and mere proficiency at boxing would provide a victory, while mastery at boxing and mere proficiency at chess would likewise provide a sure victory.  There isn't a sufficient balancing mechanism to ensure that one of aspect of the two-part event can't dictate the victor. 

For instance, it would seem better if four rounds of boxing were played out regardless of the results of the chess match, and two games of chess played (as opposed to the current of one), wherein the scores from both events were weighed to determine the winner.

That said, I too think the sport is awesome, and might get into it in Boston (one of the few U.S. places that has a gym affiliate...)  =P

ednorton wrote:

   Whats next? I see blitz chess being played by 2 guys who jump out of a plane with parachutes and a magnetic board. Free fall and who ever pulls their cord first loses.

  its probably already been done.

 I would totally do that. 


  Then, after Parachute Blitz Chess.  Take the board to the local pool. Put it in 6 feet of water. Each player makes his move under move per breath. You can only look at the board while you are under water.

  It might catch on.....


Personally, I kind of like the idea of combining more closely related activities like Go and Chess, Connect6 and Chess, Shogi and Chess, Xiang Xi and Chess...

   But now that I think of it, there is an excellent precedent for this kind of thing(Chess Boxing).  During the Winter Olympics there is a competition called, I think, the Decathlon(or maybe it goes by another name; I don't really follow it).  In this event the competitors must X-country ski to predetermined locations and then take the rifles they carry and fire at targets.  i have no idea how they score such an event but apparently there is little disagreement about the measure of victory or the general value of the sport. 

The only thing about Chess Boxing that bothers me is that too many blows to the head may permanently impair one's ability to determine the opposition in the simplest pawn ending.  Then again, I'm no neurologist. 


yeah i wrote about this when i first came to this site, i even checked out the the chess boxing site and wrote them requesting info and application to sign up i have the boxing experience and currently coach fighters even though my chess has improved quite a bit i still could use some training in this area which i was hoping for but they never contacted me. after reading these comments maybe people are looking for a way to make chess more exciting, interesting/challenging cause after awhile it can become boring, could be the reason fischer created random, yasser created seriwan. anyway id love to view a match if anyone knows where i could online let me know.

Obviously some people have WAY too much time on their hands to come up with these sports. Could you imagine what would happen if someone really threw a punch at the guy that just mated you in your local tournament? Whats next?


are these people psychics? because the trend picked up later then this.
