


Most amateur level  chess players did not recognized, that chess is illusion of simplicity!

It's looks, as a even start positions, and even chances to win/lost...

Chess is just one odd illusion of even simplicity...

There's a time that I was always thinking that I am also a great player, and when I woke up everything were only a dreams or it just only an illusion huhuhu....Cry

I think a lot of art is like that - deceptively simple. Moreover, the more one masters an art, the simpler they make it seem, even as they more interiorly understand the complexity inherent in it.

Comedy, for instance - all of the best comedians make it look effortless. Poetry too, until you've actually really tried to write an excellent piece it looks super easy (how hard could it be? I just put one word after another and express myself, right?).

It's probably the best sign of early improvement when you're trying your hand at something and you step back and are like "Wow, the rabbit hole goes deep indeed!" - have a real notion of appreciation for the depth of mastery a subject requires.

Anything looks deceptively simple to those who lack haven't developed the necessary contextual, interpretive faculty.


I really like Rael's post here. How many times have I seen a good (or at least decent) artist sketch something and feel like, hey, there was nothing to that, I'll do it too. Uh, no I will not.


Comedy is another great example. I've seen people try to repeat the bit of a stand up comedian and have nobody laugh at all despite the original material being very funny and the aped performance having nearly the same content.


Math and science are similar. Though we are cheaters because we spend hours and weeks and months working something out and then show it off like we got it straight away. Textbooks continue this myth. A page or two in a textbook can sometimes represent decades of a researchers life. In class it's whizzed through like cheesecake as if nothing were ever simpler.

Chessbee is right, all philosophers should be silenced and thrown into the eternal pit of dispair.  I hate it when people think about how the world works, and talk about their thoughts.  It sickens me, like some vile sickness of sick causing sick.
It seems that Chessbee and exiledcanuck want to trample on 2000 years of enlightened thought. Merely because people speak more deeply about the world in general or of something of specific interest to them does not make it pretentious or pompous. Loomis and Rael make valid and insightful points.

Pssst, GeneralCustard - I'm pretty sure my fellow Canuck has his tongue firmly in cheek, haha.

OK I withdraw my criticism of exiledcanuck- a red mist clouded my thoughts.

Anything you truly understand probably does seem simple to you.  I know I usually feel that if I understand something then anyone ought to be able to understand it.

That's why teachers who really aren't that well versed in their subject make it complicated while teachers who really understand what they're talking about make it seem perfectly simple.

Interesting thread. What i wonder is... What if moves in chess by both players were made at the same time. For example, both players write their first move without knowing the other guys first move. Inotherwords, moves are sealed. Both moves are revealed and played simultanesouly. Would that make chess more even or simple or would it introduce luck and chance?
I'm not sure introducing luck into chess would be good, as sealed moves would do. Chess should always remain a game of skill.
Using the word "yourselves" when the only correct word is "you" is the very definition of pompous and annoying, chessbee.  Wink

I am very glad to find  some traveling partners  and some answers, that I was looking all my life, on the creation road, by which I am traveling from A to Z...

 I am invite you to find oneself! As I did, and it's was choking and out breaking...

Find Oneself! Who are you!??

Are you really know your body, mind, spirit, genealogy of your ancestors..

Most peoples never find oneself, and never became a great persons...

We are not a robots, nor a slaves...  Who we are, indeed?


I really wish I could remember the name of the guy, I believe he was a pianist, but he said something that stuck with me. He joked about how people referred to him as a genius. The idea basically went.... decades of hard work, and now I'm a 'genius'!  Life is like this, how beautifully simple it all appears when the artisan has achieved a level of skill known as unconsious competence, when the art ceases to be manufactured, but rather just becomes, just flows naturally from the source. This is why we smile.

Picasso was asked to make a portrait of one rich lady.  

He paint it for 5 minutes!

How much?,- asked lady.

30,000 dollars!

What?! For 5 minutes of work to pay 30 grands!?

Madam! I walked 30 years to that 5 minute technics! If you did not like it, I will sell it for someone also!.. You see, that my name on the list!  So?..