
Chess rating systems


Excuse me for asking something here. I am curious about something on chess rating system and would be glad if anyone could answer for me
I've read both…/…/chess-ratings---how-they-work
I think I got how RD and rating works and what is the influence of time on RD but...
It seems rating systems are one way to compare everyone and give a rate based on that, but the world of chess evolves, therefore, a rating of 1700 today doesn't mean the same thing as a rating of 1700 20 years ago, does it? It feels it's like money and inflation.  Is there something like a deflator rate for us to compare a professional player rating today with a professional player from 20 years ago? 


Mark Glickman, creator of the Glicko rating system, claims that there has actually been slight deflation, not inflation.


I'm a little confused, what does deflation on ratings means? That ratings are decreasing?  I mean, when govern injects money on the market, money value fall. When people are inject on the system, rating value fall? Is that it? 


But if there was 100 people on the system and all of them get better on the same proportion, they rate are not going to change, but therefore the rate doesn't show how good you are, just how good you are compared to others. (in that case is there inflation? deflation? what is it?)


Rating inflation generally means that today's ratings are higher even though the general skill of the players isn't any better. It is saying that a 2700 of today is like a 2600 from 10 years ago. Deflation is essentially the opposite.


I'm not making the argument either way. Just passed on an article that referenced some work by the creator of the Glicko formula and someone much more versed in statistics than I am


By the way, awesome article, thanks


Oh, I got it, thanks. Deflation makes sense. If people in general are getting better, the ratings might keep the same, but rating value decrease (deflation)


I thinks is about the increase of number of players, specially young players with lower ratings making it a possible deflation....
