
Computer Analysis Instructions


Where do I find the instructions to use the Computer Analysis function on the new


I've tried it, but it is useless, compared to the old version.

Clcik on Stats.
Clcik on Games.
Click on Analysis.

@GodsPawn2016    Thanks for your reply.  I'll try your suggestion, but it does not look like a solution to the problem.

I got the analysis going for a particular game, but there were no usable results.  The comments flashed by too fast to see.  All I am looking for is a simple indication of where I went wrong.   That's all I ever used the analysis feature for --- just a simple indication.

pizzapier wrote:

@GodsPawn2016    Thanks for your reply.  I'll try your suggestion, but it does not look like a solution to the problem.

I got the analysis going for a particular game, but there were no usable results.  The comments flashed by too fast to see.  All I am looking for is a simple indication of where I went wrong.   That's all I ever used the analysis feature for --- just a simple indication.

After the computer analysis complete, you should see the results of the game.  




I'll get around to exploring the computer analysis feature at some point.

 It's only the first few moves of the game that interest me.  The old version enabled me to do this with ease.  

I'll try to avoid the computer analysis feature until there is more time to study it.

Thank you so much for your help and patience.


On the old site, computer analysis, will show  you a line as to why the move played was inferior and then gives you a line why the suggested move is better.On the  new site, you only get the latter,not the former.


@agitatta Thanks for the info.  


I don't recall that.  There is a box under the moves and the analysis is shown there.  I only look at the first few moves and then I'm done with it.


I'll go along for a while before I use the computer analysis.  


Maybe that's why it looks different and confusing.  I'll check it out.