
Continuous check

I just finished so burned from a game because my opponent was constantly doing check to my king. Even when I had advantage at first he ended up winning. It feels hard to swallow honestly. What are your thoughts about it? Is it a legit technique to win a game? I know it is fair game, but still feels unfair somehow cause I couldn't develop my strategy. He did not allow with the 20 checks in a row

There's no such thing as an unfair move. There's nothing unfair about your opponent preventing you from developing your strategy, it's just good chess. Next time pay more attention to your King's safety.


Yes, you are right! I was just frustrated yesterday after the game. But now I see that it's totally valid


OMG, how rude and inconsiderate! You opponent didn't stop playing and allow you to win the game! A unique and special snowflake like yourself, full of uniqueness and specialness! Clearly he was unaware that he was supposed to stop competing and let you finish up your unique and special plan of winning! There's only one thing left to do when this happens; CRY IN THE FORUMS!! Hopefully this person will see this and understand just how inconsiderate he was!! The nerve!! Some people!!

bobby_max wrote:

OMG, how rude and inconsiderate! You opponent didn't stop playing and allow you to win the game! A unique and special snowflake like yourself, full of uniqueness and specialness! Clearly he was unaware that he was supposed to stop competing and let you finish up your unique and special plan of winning! There's only one thing left to do when this happens; CRY IN THE FORUMS!! Hopefully this person will see this and understand just how inconsiderate he was!! The nerve!! Some people!!

Chill, dude. The person already acknowledged this. It's not often we see "Yes, you are right!" replies. Let's celebrate people who recognize when they've been wrong, rather than continue to pile on.