
Counter-check when in check


In one of my blitz games I arrived in this very tense situation playing the white pieces I opponent is in check. Now my question is whether the move Rf7+ is legal for black in this position? The computer points out the move kg7 as the best move which is of course still winning totally winning for white. I am just curious because I've been playing chess for quite a while and thought I knew all the chess rules until I found myself in this situation.

Hopefully you can give me some input. My first thought is that it seems perfectly legal?


A normal legal move, why would it not be.


The white rook is maybe on d1, because the black queen is hanging in that variant.


Perfectly legal, because by moving to f7 the rook interposes itself and releases the black king from check. Black's only other legal moves are to interpose the e-pawn (useless) or to move the king away.  Either way, his queen is dead meat. 


Dead Meat


The basic question seems to be: can you put your opponent in check in the same move where you remove yourself from check?  Obviously, the answer is yes!


As legal as 1. e4


A normal legal move