
Delete all bots/engine

I don't see you can inprove anything from playing the chess bots and it's pretty much pointless and useless at the same time considering you can't even watch and analyze any of the games that have been play with them, and if you want to then u have to spend money for privileges to do so which leads to another problem p2w, yes on this chess platform it's mostly paid to get better + for lessons + for games analyzes + for etc etc...... creating alot of disadvantages for people that doesn't have good financial support, from that can just be seen as a game where rich people mostly play. Beside that, chess bots/engine allow cheaters, which of course creates a very unfair competitive environment, the deletion of bots and engines would mainly benefits the community and minimum the amount of cheating.

There are a lot of members that play bots. Some exclusively. There's pretty much no chance they'll ever be removed.


Here I am, curious for others opinions and or advice on bot use, and I stumble upon some heavy ignorance. Chess is not p2w by any means, and even paying for an account with full 24/7 unlimited access to all features is not indicative of ones wealth. Get out of here with that mess! "A game where mostly rich people play." Let me tell you, I'm far from wealthy, and not only is it affordable, but worth the money I spend. I play bots and review all games I play. Learning from engines and applying that knowledge against human opponents is not cheating.There is also a plethora of free chess content on YouTube. Combing that content with playing bots, and analyzing games is just natural progression. Keep in mind that just the YouTube content alone is super beneficial, but you won't be the only person using such resources. I'm low rated myself and I've crushed and been crushed. Thanks to modern technology in general, resources are more available than they have ever been. I can go on YouTube and search for the most basic principles of chess for free, whereas prior to the Internet being as common as it is today, you'd be forking out money hand over fist for such information in the form of books, classes, and coaching, which is extremely expensive, and ultimately time consuming, even by todays standards.


The OP complains that this site is "p2w" and "pay to get better. Nonsense! It does not cost anything to go to the library and sit down with a book and actually study chess. There are several free chess apps for your phone. There is the free Arena chess engine you can play against on your computer and use to analyze your games. But the bottom line is that it takes time and effort to improve. Most people here just want to stare at some youtube video in the hope that knowledge will just flow into their brain.