
Did you know Russians have Russian chess !?



No i did not!

I just want it to share with you all, so people don't just think, that Russians are only good at chess because it's our game etc...

Also theirs many more chess, such as Chinese chess, Thai chess, Indian chess, Japanese chess, Korean chess etc.... just something interesting to know if you didn't knew that already.

That's awesome!
Do you know how to play?

In Soviet Russia...

please complete joke.


.. They have, 'Russian' sports, 'cheerleaders'?!

.. A 'slide-show', is contained, in the following link.


.. 'Gandering'; But Not, 'lusting-in-your-heart'; Is permitted.



.. Dare, I mention it ?! .. "'Russian' cheerleaders," on "YouTube"; A video, selection ..

{a-a-r-g-h !}


Eastern Europeans have long been excellent and inventive at challenging board games.

In America, we tend to invent challenging games that incorporate chance (dice or spinning wheels) like Monopoly and Parcheesi (an American adaptation of the Indian cross and circle board game Pachisi).






.. I'm unable to say, what the 'shogi', {Japanese chess}, action, in 'Moscow', has been like .. Since this '2010' video. ..{personally, though.. I find the 'Japanese' script .. if authentically related, to the game ; Otherwise-to-be, a learning obstacle !}



This is interesting, as I have never heard of "Russian Chess" happy.png However, this does not surprise me; Chaturanga is the name of the game that is the origin to chess. Of course this same game is the origin to many other games such as checkers, in fact that is why both games are played on an 8 X 8 board of a checkered pattern. The resemblance between chaturanga and chess is especially strong. 

On a separate similar note, when I was younger (perhaps five years old, or so) I wondered why all of the chess pieces were female, except the King. My sound, five-year old, reasoning was because a pawn could "promote" into a Queen (female), so pawns must too be female. Additionally "underpromotion" means that Knights, and Bishops were also female (Rooks are clearly inanimate buildings and somehow escaped my logic). Therefore, the King was the only male piece! 

This is funny, looking back - but my logic appears sound: Is this a paradox? Well not exactly. In chaturanga, the pieces were not named the same as when they got European Influence centuries later. For example, Rooks were called "chariots" - which is why they have trouble turning (only adjacent movement in chess). Knights were either "horses" or "elephants" based on year (elephants were first though, as chaturanga originated in India, where elephants were used in the military at that time as basically Tanks. Obviously the pawns were "infantry", but interestingly the Queen was named a "commander". This is why any pawn can get "promoted", why the King can have several Queens (commanders), why the Queen is so much stronger than pawns, and of course reveals that gender was not relevant. Therefore, the other chess pieces have gender unstated - European version, called chess, we really only know the gender of the King and Queen, and in chaturanga we can infer even less. 

I find topics like this fascinating, but I really only know so much of the history of chess because I gave several lectures on the topic several years ago, and the research stays in your mind I guess. 

All games of an 8 X 8 board are said to have its origin traced back to chaturanga. Of course other games such as "Chinese Checkers" are clearly in this same category (despite the star-shaped board). 

Thanks for discovering "Russian Chess", and posting it on a forum ESP-918


Your are welcome 🤗

Why is this important?

No, I didn't. And judging by the photo it's not so interesting as regular chess though it deserves to exist


 KeSetoKaiba  And it makes sense that a Horse can jump over other pieces around it. !!!

ESP-918 wrote:

This is not a real “Russian chess”. There was a Russian nationalist (of the racist type) in the 90s who has created this game and marketed it as a business. In the game description as well as online he created a whole story how this was the “chess ancient slavs played” and alleged nonsense such as “this ancient Slavic chess is more ethical and humane” because the enemy pieces aren’t removed from the board but get added to the capturing piece side. 

Actually he has succeeded in organizing events where kids play this “Tavreli” “Russian chess”. The problem is that the only reason for its existence and invention is actually antisemitic Russian nationalist view or international chess which Russian racists view as “Jewish chess” because most of the chess champions are Jewish.

ESP-918 wrote:

I just want it to share with you all, so people don't just think, that Russians are only good at chess because it's our game etc...

Also theirs many more chess, such as Chinese chess, Thai chess, Indian chess, Japanese chess, Korean chess etc.... just something interesting to know if you didn't knew that already.

All of them have a common ancestor in Chaturanga.

All of them are Buddhist countries.



The Russian language itself is descendant of Sanskrit (India). The Russian language is closer to Sanskrit than any other language.

And look here.