
Do they exist here or do they used to exist here


Just bought the last sets of books from a fellow chesser who used to play here and saw at the last page of the book names pertaining players (although badly scribbled) either here or from gameknot. Not that sure. But the names appeared as such Kapov, Kebabs, Achillesfury, Fierychess, Phenomenal1,CClassic,Vegan and Bill Wall, to name just a few. Do they exist here and are they still playing here. Just curious.


Bill Wall is one of the top bloggers here - he's #16 on the "Top Blogger" list AND I'm currently playing him. You can look everyone else up under "Share" at the top of the page and next click on "Members" and search for the names in question.


Thanks bro.


I've always been here.  Play chess here every day.  Was the first person on this site (other than developers) and will be the last person if I can help it.  Not as active in blogging anymore (I must have written over 500 articles and blogs here already, and you always have batgirl), but playing more chess, like with NimzoRoy.

billwall wrote:

I've always been here.  Play chess here every day.  Was the first person on this site (other than developers) and will be the last person if I can help it.  Not as active in blogging anymore (I must have written over 500 articles and blogs here already, and you always have batgirl), but playing more chess, like with NimzoRoy.

Wow! its really Bill Wall the chess author? Howrya doin sir.

-kenpo- wrote:

disappointing. I thought this was so going to be about sausages.

Im hungry.