
Do you like Levy Rozman?


He seems to be a witty, likable guy. But I am not a huge fan of his channel and his way to present chess. It is a great business decision though, so I understand the incentive. It's bit heartbreaking though that more "serious" channels with better content than his are doing so much worse...


As we've journeyed through the chessboard of reasons that make Levy Rozman not just a chess aficionado but a true ambassador of the game, it's clear why he's captured the attention and admiration of so many. From his infectious enthusiasm for chess, his innovative approach to teaching, and his undeniable skill, to his positive influence on the chess community and his ability to make chess accessible and entertaining for all levels, Levy stands out as a beacon in the chess world.

His journey underscores the beautiful intersection between passion, dedication, and the power of sharing knowledge. Levy's story is a testament to how following one's passion can not only fulfill personal aspirations but also inspire and educate a global audience. His approachable demeanor and genuine love for the game have brought chess to the forefront of popular culture, making it cool, exciting, and, most importantly, accessible to everyone.

But what's truly remarkable about Levy Rozman is how he embodies the spirit of chess as a game of infinite possibilities, a metaphor for life's challenges and triumphs. Through his streams, videos, and interactions, he teaches us that with strategy, patience, and a bit of creativity, we can navigate the complex and often unpredictable game of life.

So, whether you're a seasoned chess player, a curious newcomer, or simply someone who appreciates passion and dedication, there's a lot to admire about Levy Rozman. If you haven't already, dive into his content; you might just find yourself falling in love with the game of kings. And who knows? You might also discover a knight's move that changes your game forever.

In closing, Levy Rozman is not just a player moving pieces on a board; he's a visionary moving hearts and minds, making him a true knight in the global chess community. Let's take a page from Levy's playbook and approach our passions with the same zeal and commitment to sharing and learning. After all, life, much like chess, is about making moves with purpose, anticipation, and the joy of playing the game.
For more about Levy Rozman and his Wife Lucy


"his ability to make chess accessible and entertaining for all levels"

I wonder if that was written by Rozman himself. Probably.

"Accessible to everyone" means that his target audience is 10 year olds who can barely play chess.

Jalex13 wrote:
I don’t think he’s very good at teaching. Sure he’s engaging but once I watched a Scandinavian defense video from him and then ran his suggestions through the engine and they were not very good. He seems pro and and opinionated. I stay away from his channel.

The scandinavian is dubious in general, but him and the poor recommendations he has are only playable because often the refutation is very difficult to see and your average 1500 is not going to find it


I've met a few new OTB players at a local club. They like to ask questions like what's your rating, what openings do you play, and what youtube channels do you like.

I don't know what to say since I don't watch chess youtube, so just as a guess I'll mention Levy. All (3) of them have said they don't like Levy.

They're young adults so they're probably older than his target audience, and they're interested in learning about chess. They usually mention one of the instructional IMs or GMs like Narodistsky.

llama_l wrote:

I've met a few new OTB players at a local club. They like to ask questions like what's your rating, what openings do you play, and what youtube channels do you like.

I don't know what to say since I don't watch chess youtube, so just as a guess I'll mention Levy. All (3) of them have said they don't like Levy.

They're young adults so they're probably older than his target audience, and they're interested in learning about chess. They usually mention one of the instructional IMs or GMs like Narodistsky.

Just tell them the truth.


I would like him if he was more like Naroditsky and less like himself.



AngryPuffer wrote:
llama_l wrote:

I've met a few new OTB players at a local club. They like to ask questions like what's your rating, what openings do you play, and what youtube channels do you like.

I don't know what to say since I don't watch chess youtube, so just as a guess I'll mention Levy. All (3) of them have said they don't like Levy.

They're young adults so they're probably older than his target audience, and they're interested in learning about chess. They usually mention one of the instructional IMs or GMs like Narodistsky.

Just tell them the truth.

That santa isn't real?


Levy - Toxic

AngryPuffer wrote:
llama_l wrote:

I've met a few new OTB players at a local club. They like to ask questions like what's your rating, what openings do you play, and what youtube channels do you like.

I don't know what to say since I don't watch chess youtube, so just as a guess I'll mention Levy. All (3) of them have said they don't like Levy.

They're young adults so they're probably older than his target audience, and they're interested in learning about chess. They usually mention one of the instructional IMs or GMs like Narodistsky.

Just tell them the truth.

Oh, you mean tell them I don't watch youtube. I do tell them that. But they're trying to chat about this or that youtuber, and I don't really know anyone, so I try to mention someone a beginner could relate to, and that's why I mention levy. To my surprise none of them liked him.


Very controversial subject. Personally, I enjoy watching his videos a lot. They make fun of chess in a good way that's really enjoyable. A lot of people don't like him because of this, they prefer instructive channels that teach you chess. I personally think that they can't dislike someone because he doesn't cover as much a particular aspect of chess, the "learning" aspect in his YouTube videos.

PrabinSinghThakuri wrote:

As we've journeyed through the chessboard of reasons that make Levy Rozman not just a chess aficionado but a true ambassador of the game, it's clear why he's captured the attention and admiration of so many. From his infectious enthusiasm for chess, his innovative approach to teaching, and his undeniable skill, to his positive influence on the chess community and his ability to make chess accessible and entertaining for all levels, Levy stands out as a beacon in the chess world.

His journey underscores the beautiful intersection between passion, dedication, and the power of sharing knowledge. Levy's story is a testament to how following one's passion can not only fulfill personal aspirations but also inspire and educate a global audience. His approachable demeanor and genuine love for the game have brought chess to the forefront of popular culture, making it cool, exciting, and, most importantly, accessible to everyone.

But what's truly remarkable about Levy Rozman is how he embodies the spirit of chess as a game of infinite possibilities, a metaphor for life's challenges and triumphs. Through his streams, videos, and interactions, he teaches us that with strategy, patience, and a bit of creativity, we can navigate the complex and often unpredictable game of life.

So, whether you're a seasoned chess player, a curious newcomer, or simply someone who appreciates passion and dedication, there's a lot to admire about Levy Rozman. If you haven't already, dive into his content; you might just find yourself falling in love with the game of kings. And who knows? You might also discover a knight's move that changes your game forever.

In closing, Levy Rozman is not just a player moving pieces on a board; he's a visionary moving hearts and minds, making him a true knight in the global chess community. Let's take a page from Levy's playbook and approach our passions with the same zeal and commitment to sharing and learning. After all, life, much like chess, is about making moves with purpose, anticipation, and the joy of playing the game.
For more about Levy Rozman and his Wife Lucy

1. Light mode ... it just hurts my poor eyes.

2. Please stop using ChatGPT to make forum posts.

3. Please don't use too much italian words either.



Yes, he has probably exposed more people to Chess than anyone.

He deserves so much credit for that.

Perhaps some don't like his "style of delivery", which is fine, as everyone has their own tastes.

Or perhaps people outgrow the majority of his content, which is also fine, and probably should happen as he admits his content is more geared to beginners and entertainment.

