
Do you resign becaues you feel bad for opponent?


This has happened to me here before, and today I did it too.


When an opponent (who should win) makes a terrible and obvious blunder, I feel a need to resign the game because such a win just doesn't seen right.  (Unfortunately my opponent didn't stay in chat long enough for me to tell him the reason.)  Of course everybody's definition of an "honorable" win is different.


Have you done it?



carlsen once said in his quote"you have to merciless"

You have a war going on with your opponent so there can not be any mercy

Do you think your opponent is grateful you resigned a won game? No, he is laughing. It is not an act of honor. If you really feel bad for him, just accept his rematch offer if he offered.


never, every move counts.


i had a player messaging me saying their father would beat them if they lost

but they wasnt very good 

im sorry your dad thrashed every inch of skin of your back but f7 needs looking after

A guy offered me a draw once when I mouse slipped my queen while delivering mate. I went from mate in one to losing. I thought that was cool of him. I might do the same. I don't know about resigning. So many times I've lost when I should've won, and won when I should've lost that I just think of it as the chess gods paying me back lol.

yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though


yes sometimes though

Slow_pawn wrote:
A guy offered me a draw once when I mouse slipped my queen while delivering mate. I went from mate in one to losing. I thought that was cool of him. I might do the same. I don't know about resigning. So many times I've lost when I should've won, and won when I should've lost that I just think of it as the chess gods paying me back lol.

 That was cool of him


Yes, if she is hot.


Slow_pawn napisał:

A guy offered me a draw once when I mouse slipped my queen while delivering mate. I went from mate in one to losing. I thought that was cool of him. I might do the same. I don't know about resigning. So many times I've lost when I should've won, and won when I should've lost that I just think of it as the chess gods paying me back lol.

I feel the same. I've exchanged quite a lot of draw proposal. Mouse slip, and obvious unreversible mistakes happen quite a lot in my rating I guess. It's always nice to ask for a draw.


Couple of different scenarios here: A mouseslip - I typically consider this bad luck for my opponent, I make my fair share of them myself. I might in this scenario offer a draw if I was in the middle of a long series with someone in order to maintain the natural flow of the match.


But if someone just blunders in a totally won position (but obviously not a mouseslip) then they are never getting a draw (let alone a win). That's their problem.



If you are losing, it means you made a blunder that was obvious enough for the opponent to exploit, so what's the logic the other way around?