
Educational chess quotes ! Please add some


“The master has failed more times than the beginner had even tried”



"A master can sometimes play badly, a fan never!"


“One doesn't have to play well, it's enough to play better than your opponent.”




“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” – Emanuel Lasker

“I have come to the personal conclusion that while all artists are not chess players, all chess players are artists.” – Marcel Duchamp


Chess Quotes You May Not Have Heard Before -


My opponent didn't know the difference between a pawn and the rear end of a knight.



Quit it with stupid quotes, in anything.

Everything is in context.

Like fighting. Sometimes you use the sword, sometimes the shield. There is no such thing as an always.

chessbeginner009099 wrote:

“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” – Emanuel Lasker

Here's the problem with quotes.

One bird in your hand is better than two birds in the bushes.

One bird in your hand is a sure thing. If you try to look for a better deal, you may end up with nothing.

I don't know Mahjong.

A piece is available for you. You can make a low suit. Or you can let it go and try to make a higher suit. But if someone else picks up that tile, you don't have that chance again.

What are you going to do? Take the bird in hand, or try for two birds not in your hand yet?

Stupid quotes.

Everything is in context.

chessbeginner009099 wrote:

“I have come to the personal conclusion that while all artists are not chess players, all chess players are artists.” – Marcel Duchamp

What kind of "say nothing" is that?

All humans are not Chinese, but all Chinese are human!

Chess is an art. Duh.

Not all artists are chefs, all chefs are artists.

I can crank that nonsense out ad infinitum.

ESP-918 wrote:

“One doesn't have to play well, it's enough to play better than your opponent.”

Again, that is saying nothing.

Well and not well are relative.

I think that is called tautology.


Any more stupid quotes?


If you can't win , don't lose


Here's a good one.

"Victory has defeated you." Bane, the Dark Knight rises.

Good one.

Children of successful parents may fail because they don't know the struggles of their parents. They have it on easy street.

Anonymous_Dragon wrote:

If you can't win , don't lose

That's a good one. But you have to explain it.

In ping pong, when the other player has the initiative of attack, I use the paddle as a shield, as a wall, just to put the ball back on the table. I'm not thinking of winning, just not losing.

What's a round about way of saying, when you cannot attack with he sword, put up the shield.

As I have already said, first thing.

Anonymous_Dragon wrote:

If you can't win , don't lose

There's the other side of the coin. There always is.

High risk, high reward.


Live fast and die young.

Live long and prosper.

Pick one of your choice.


The turtle and the rabbit are equal. If you race them.

The rabbit is fast but die young.

The turtle is slow but lives for centuries.

The Vietnamese word for it is "mâu thuẫn" it means "conflicting".

It comes from Chinese.

mâu thuẫn = 矛盾. It literally means spear and shield.

Sometimes you attack, sometimes you defend.

Attack and defense are 2 sides of the same coin. Though they appear contradictory, they come as a package.

A turtle is a shield. The first shields were turtle shells.

A rabbit is a javelin.

They are equal like spear and shield are equal.


To check or not to check, that is the question?