
Game Analysis is Wrong


Just an afterthought: I have noticed that some of the bots make moves that I'm sure a player of their particular rating would not usually make. I just didn't realize that this was one of those cases.

mcusername wrote:

Just an afterthought: I have noticed that some of the bots make moves that I'm sure a player of their particular rating would not usually make. I just didn't realize that this was one of those cases.

These lower rated bots are overrated in rating compared to human counterparts.

Sometimes they just blunder kind of artificially. Humans that rating make bad moves as well, but not in the same way, and not in the same quantity as these bots do.

For instance one could attack a piece with a pawn and a bot may just ignore it without a reason. Humans can do that when they are novice players, but far less than these weaker bots.

It is a completely different experience playing against bots and against humans.


its happened to me before too... maybe its a bug? to screw up cheaters haha


Am I going mad? ...Rf7 in the position linked earlier is illegal.

Tribbled wrote:

Am I going mad? ...Rf7 in the position linked earlier is illegal.

Not in that position. You need to find the game. happy.png 27. ...Rf7. It is a few moves later. Instead of Kh8.




Yeah, it took me a while to realize the difference between playing bots and humans. I spent months playing bots and thought I was really getting good. So I tried to play a human being next and was shocked by the difference. I almost felt like telling the human: "Nobody makes such moves! Come on, play normal!"

mcusername wrote: defines a mistake as a move that immediately worsens your position. The rook sacrifice is not such a move.

yeah, I just looked at analysis, it said the best move was to take bishop with pawn when it leads to the enemy getting a discovered check to take my queen